The good life

May 19, 2013
God takes care of those who live humble, moral, loving lives… not perfectly but sincerely.
The key to happiness, success, fulfillment, vindication, protection, etc. is living a God-pleasing, God-kind of life.
Try it, taste it, and you will see that it is good.
David has learned by experience that God is near to those who struggle, who do what is right and trust God to help them.
He is telling his friends and family: if you want the good life, live the God-life.
Living the God-life is no guarantee of an easy life – David went through many times of hardship and struggle (see the title of this psalm).
Jesus found this out too.
But better to live well and suffer, than to live bad and suffer.
Peter says this as well, quoting Psalm 34 (1 Peter 3:10-12), concluding: Live so that you don’t have to feel you’ve done anything wrong. Some people may say evil things about your good conduct as believers in Christ. If they do, they will be put to shame for speaking like that about you. It is better to suffer for doing good than for doing evil if that’s what God wants. (1 Peter 3:16-17)
The best philosophy of life is this: seek the God life, and you will discover the good life… Taste it and see that it is good!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, help me to see that being good is not boring, that it is the best way to live, the only way to live happily ever after.

One Comment

  1. Observations;
    I will always praise the Lord and His praise will always be on my lips. What a challenge! For every season under the sun, I need to praise Him. At all times I need to seek refuge under His wings. Love life. Love God. Seek peace. Do good. Be His champion. Pursue the good life like ‘buying the pearl.’ Although one pursues the Lord it doesn’t mean no troubles. But He is there amidst all of your life and He is and will be your eternal rest.

    All of my life I need to praise and live for Jesus. Today, LG – life is good. That only is a possibility when the reality is – I walk with my risen Saviour always. My hand in His. That’s comfort. That’s real life. When I walk with Him in ALL circumstance, He protects, encourages, saves and leas them home. I need to keep my eyes turned to home all my days and then He will lead and guide me in all my ways. Once again I must live this day as God Is First and then all will be OK. I need to live for Jesus today.

    God is good all the time.
    All the time, God is good.

    Great is His faithfulness. Let me be faithful and true.

    Help me Lord to be a living letter showing all those who read me, happiness is found in You alone. If you want joy. know God.
    he joy of the LORD is my strength
    The joy of the LORD is my strength
    The joy of the LORD is my strength
    Oh, the joy of the LORD is my strength.

    He gives me living water and I thrist no more
    He gives me living water and I thrist no more
    He gives me living water and I thrist no more
    For the joy of the LORD is my strength

    If you want joy you must sing for it
    If you want joy you must sing for it
    If you want joy you must sing for it
    For the joy of the LORD is my strength

    If you want joy you must shout …jump for it..
    If you want joy you must shout …jump for it..
    If you want joy you must shout …jump for it..
    For the joy of the LORD is my strength

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