God is looking for loving hearts

May 16, 2013
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 25:31-46
This must be one of Jesus’ most well known stories (along with the Good Samaritan and the Prodigal Son)
Question, will we be saved or condemned by what we do (or don’t do)?
Jesus is not saying that good deeds will save us, or bad deeds condemn us.
But He is showing what He means when He says, ‘you can tell the tree by its fruit’.
God looks at the heart, He can tell what kind of heart a person has by their actions.
A person that cares will do and say caring things, they will do it naturally because that is what is in them.
I suspect when we stand before God, we will know where we’ll be going, and I don’t think we’ll be surprised.
I agree with C.S.Lewis, people will want to go where they will be going: the thought of eternal love and selflessness will be repulsive to self-centered people, they will run for hell and lock the door from the inside.
God’s kingdom dream is for a world where people care, help, share, serve, etc.
God gives us this life to decide if this will be out dream too.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, help me not just to talk about love, help me to live and long for it. I want to love You in the people I meet each day.


  1. Today we see again that what we do today matters tomorrow. Our actions and decisions of today create our future life. This is true for our lives on earth, and for our life after death. We see in this story a separation of righteous and unrighteous. It is interesting to find out what puts you into either category. I do not see that you need to be a card carrying member of any organization or church, you do not need to have gone through a process of reciting the sinners prayer, or being “saved”, and other churchy things we feel we need to do are not mentioned. What is it then that makes you righteous, according to these verses? Take care of each other. Be nice. This is the kind of thing you would tell your preschooler. But then most of life’s lessons are learned before the age of 6.

    We are to be the hands and feet of Jesus in this world. We work for Him. We do this by taking care of injustice where we see it. We help where we can, and we don’t turn a blind eye to someone in need. Who are those that are in need? Jesus refers to them as the least of these. These are the marginalized in our society, those that are looked down on. People who are not respected deserve our respect. The unlovable need to be taken care of, and have their needs met. We need to protect those who are afraid, and stand up to help where we can. This is what I need to make sure is what my life is all about.

    I pray that I will be the hands and feet of Jesus. I pray that I will not look the other way when someone is in need. Help me to be the person that is used by God in his kingdom.

  2. Observation:
    This is one of the better known parables where the sheep and goats are separated. They are separated because of their actions. Yet their actions did not save them for their inheritance was prepared since the being of creation. Their actions showed where their heat was. And the greatest of these is love. Love is the summary of the law and love covers all. Love God. Love man. Thus the actions of the people showed where their heart was and whatever they did was natural. It was part of the daily living for Jesus.

    From the heart come the issues of life. What I do from day to day shows all those around me what makes me tick. May actions will reveal my heart commitment. It is by grace I am saved but others can read me, will read me, by what I do. The love command will come to expression not only by words but also by actions. It will come ‘naturally’ because it is part of whom I need to be.

    The heart knowledge will drive a man for from it come the issues of life.

    Help me this day once again to life love – living for Jesus. Make me an instrument of love. ChristStrong.

    Make me a servant, humble and meek
    Lord, let me lift up, those who are weak.
    And may the pray’r of my heart always be;
    Make me a servant, make me a servant,
    Make me a servant, today.

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