Shining brighter for Him!

May 14, 2013
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 25:1-13
Jesus takes an example from His everyday life, to illustrate how people need to be wise and be prepared.
This is a cultural illustration, it does not match our wedding customs and practices, but the point is still clear.
The bible often describes the relationship between God and His people as a marriage: He is the groom and we are the bride.
What does it take to be ready, to be prepared?
A lamp is good in the darkness, Jesus described us as the light of the world (Matthew 5:14-16).
Here we are once again urged to keep our lights (lifestyles) bright, shining.
Do everything without finding fault or arguing. Then you will be pure and without blame. You will be children of God without fault in a sinful and evil world. Among the people of the world you shine like stars in the heavens. You shine as you hold out to them the word of life. (Philippians 2:14-16)
If I am wise, I will take steps to shine bright, to be a light for God to others.
If I am foolish, I will neglect my lifestyle and live in a self-serving way, whatever suits me and my comfort and agenda.
Does my life shine? am I wise? am I foolish? am I ready?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, when You return I will have no excuse for why my life did not reflect Your goodness. Help me to take this seriously, and to shine for You EVEN MORE than I already think I am.


  1. Wise or Foolish

    These lampholders were a part of the wedding feast, perhaps as the bridesmaids of today. But they made decisions that day that divided them into two categories. Wise and Foolish. All it takes to be placed in a category is to think ahead, and to be prepared. Is this a story designed to tell us to stock up for emergencies? If so, I better head off to the grocery store to fill my pantry, and basement.

    This certainly does not seem to be a story that recommends sharing, because the wise girls are considered wise not to share. So much for this aspect of what we are taught to do.

    This also does not seem to be a story of grace and forgiveness. If you are not at your station with your lamp ready to shine, then you are out, with no chance to get in to the wedding. But if you were a friend of the wedding party, and were invited to be a lampholder, would you not be allowed in if you were a bit late? After all, the groom kept everyone waiting all night? This seems a bit harsh to me.

    The last line seems to be the message. Keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour. Don’t be lulled into a sense of mediocrity or a sense that everything is done. Leaf fans know how that works out. Persevere to the end, and be prepared.

    I pray that I can be wise. I pray that I will be ready for His return, and that I will be found doing kingdom work.

  2. Observations:
    This reading is about the ten virgins who went out to meet the bridegroom. Five were prepared for the event and five were not. Yet all of them had fallen asleep because of the delay of His coming. Some were prepared for the delay while others were not and because of their lack of preparation, they missed the event to be a part of the celebration. Be prepared.

    I m reminded of a song, ‘This little light of mine, I;m going make it shine.” Shine, shine shine for Jesus we must. Then I am also reminded of a story of Max Lucado – about candles in the closet – needing more time to prepare themselves before being used but the darkness was now.
    Today is now and now I must shine for Jesus. I am a light by all I do and say. I am a living letter showing those around me that I am His and He is mine. And the preparation for each day, having the fuel for the day, begins in His presence and ends in His presence – devotions, coming into His presence, giving the activities of the day over to Him, going forward knowing that He has given the fuel for the day by His Comforter and Energizer. Living for Jesus -as long as it is day, for I do not know when I will meet Him face to face, but this I do know, He has called me to be His champion and to fly His banner always.

    Help me this day Lord to live for Jesus, showing all those around me that I am Yours and You are mine. Lead me and guide me while it is called day.

    Give me oil in my lamp I pray
    Give me oil in my lamp, keep it burning
    Keep it burning till the light of day

    Sing “Hosanna”, sing “Hosanna”
    Sing “Hosanna to the King of Kings!”
    Sing “Hosanna”, sing “Hosanna”
    Sing “Hosanna to the King!”

    Make me fishers of men, keep me seeking,
    Make me fishers of men, I pray
    Make me fishers of men, keep me seeking,
    Seeking souls ’til Jesus comes again.

    Sing “Hosanna”, sing “Hosanna”
    Sing “Hosanna to the King of Kings!”
    Sing “Hosanna”, sing “Hosanna”
    Sing “Hosanna to the King!”

    Give me joy in my heart, keep me praising,
    Give me joy in my heart, I pray,
    Give me joy in my heart, keep me praising
    Keep me praising ’till the break of day.

    Sing “Hosanna”, sing “Hosanna”
    Sing “Hosanna to the King of Kings!”
    Sing “Hosanna”, sing “Hosanna”
    Sing “Hosanna to the King!”

    Give me love in my heart, keep me serving
    Give me love in my heart I pray
    Give me love in my heart keep me serving
    Keep me serving till the break of day.

    Sing “Hosanna”, sing “Hosanna”
    Sing “Hosanna to the King of Kings!”
    Sing “Hosanna”, sing “Hosanna”
    Sing “Hosanna to the King!”

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