Be prepared… Will I?

May 9, 2013
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 24:36-44
Keep watch, be prepared, this is Jesus’ point.
He uses two examples, the days of Noah and a homeowner protecting his house, to illustrate the urgency and value of being ready.
Not even Jesus knows the time… this shows how Jesus emptied Himself of His divine nature to become like us, limited in time, space, knowledge and power.
What does it mean to be ready for judgment day?
If I were preparing for an exam, I would want to know what material would be covered, then I would prepare for it.
God will examine the content and character of my life… am I ready for this?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
I sense the Lord gently pointing to some things in my life that would not look good on a final exam.
What will I do with this?
This is the critical question, unless I respond to what I sense the Lord saying, I am heading but not doing God’s word and will.
Lord, fear is not the best motivator, but sometimes that is what it takes to shake us to action. Help me not only top gear what You say, help me to do something with it.

One Comment

  1. I’m back 🙂 The breaker and not the inverter was broken.

    The day and the time of the Lord’s return is not known. As it was with Noah – the people kept doing what they always were doing, even when they had a sign – the building of the ark with no water. Foolishness.
    When a thief will come into house is also not know.
    Be watchful. Be ready.

    Be ready. Live not in the past. Live not in the future. Live today as a day of the Lord. He is here. Walk with the risen Saviour. Do what God asks you/me to do right now – to live for Jesus and to be the Light we need to be. Today God Is First – as He is every day. I need to live that in all I do and say. I need to be like Noah and live in the present called today doing what the Lord God called me to do – to live for Jesus because He is here right now – and I am in His presence – always.
    Always be ready for what the Lord God wants you to do – even build big boats like Noah. What an example of readiness. Kingdom living.

    Help me to see You this day Lord and let me walk with You through this day doing Your will.

    When we walk with the Lord in the light of His Word,
    What a glory He sheds on our way!
    While we do His good will, He abides with us still,
    And with all who will trust and obey.

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