Faithful through it all

May 8, 2013
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 24:32-35
Jesus’ point here is that the time of judgment will be evident, like the first signs of spring (from buds to blooms).
He is referring to the destruction of Jerusalem (AD 70), but this also applies to all times, and especially the end times.
He is telling them to prepare, giving then advance notice, and telling them to flee.
He does not want them to get caught up in the insurrection, which will not end well.
Instead they should do their assigned work as God’s servants (Matthew 24:45ff).
Neither fight nor flight, but faithfulness, being kingdom agents.
We see signs of the fig tree today – in Syria, Israel, Palestine, the Korean peninsula – these signs are intended to keep us focused on our kingdom calling.
Be prepared, do not be surprised by this, things in our world will increasingly get twisted and violent, but God is still in charge.
Let these signs remind us and motivate us to show and share Jesus way, the kingdom of God, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, etc.
No matter what happens, prepare yourselves to be faithful.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, watching the news can be very unsettling. Help me not to be distracted, but to see these signs as reminders and engagements to do Your work!

One Comment

  1. I get excited every year when the trees start to bud and new growth begins. It is not that I do not know what is coming next, but perhaps that I do know what is about to happen that excites me. Hanging out outside for the next 6-8 months is what makes spring an exciting time for me. Jesus uses this sort of example to let us know that when we see events described occurring, we can expect to see his return. He mentions that the generation that sees these events will not pass until these events will happen. What are these events? He talks about wars and persecutions, but these have been with us since the beginning of time. He specifically talks about the “abomination that causes desolation”, and the sun, moon and stars being darkened. These are signs of his return within a generation.

    What is my response to this? As Norm mentions today, remain faithful to the end. Times will be tough, but God will be with us through it all. Trust in God in my day to day living, and remain faithful forever.

    I pray that as I trust in God, that no matter what happens in this life, that He will be my strength. I pray that my trust in God is not based on world events, but in a quiet confidence that He has conquered sin and death.

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