If not rebellion, what then?

May 6, 2013
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 24:15-25
The tensions between Rome and the Jews are reaching a boiling point, Jesus senses what is coming.
He warns about a time of severe crisis, when Rome destroys Jerusalem and the temple (the holy place).
The only relief through this horrible crisis will be God’s intervention because of His covenant with the Jews.
“Because of God’s chosen people, it will be shortened.”
Some will step up claiming to be the Messiah, leading the rebellion against Rome.
But Jesus warns people not to join the rebellion, instead flee before it begins, for it will be brutal.
What stands out for me is that Jesus does NOT encourage rebellion, not even against the oppressive Romans.
What does this say for people today, whether in Canada or in China, or in Iran?
The way of Jesus is not rebellion or violence, but the way of love, mercy, peace, kindness, forgiveness.
This raises the question, how would Jesus want ‘resistors’ in WW2 to handle the Nazi invaders?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, help me to understand better the way of peace, as opposed to the way of rebellion. Especially help those who presently live in the kinds of situations that you described here.

One Comment

  1. There is coming a time where unless the days are shortened, that mankind will be annihilated. But God will shorten the days because of the elect. We are urged to try to understand what Jesus is talking about. Matthew writes “let the reader understand” I read it and I don’t understand it. So I went back into Daniel, and found 3 places where the phrase “abomination that causes desolation” was found. I read each section to try to get some context. This is all very intriguing to me, however, since this talks about future events in 3 different passages, I still don’t get it. What I do kind of get is that this takes place in a time of war, that this will be a very tough time to go through, and time periods are given. There is mention of a time, times, and half a time. There is also a mention of a time of days, (3 ½ years + an extra 45 days.) Daniel did not understand, but the message given to him in the last chapter was, don’t worry about it, go about your business, and you will receive your inheritance on the last day.

    Flee to the mountains, don’t look back. False prophets will seem to come up everywhere. It will be easy to want to follow some of these. But Jesus said that the elect will also be tempted, but as they are the elect, the chosen, it is not possible for them to fall away. That is the definition of elect. God has chosen those to whom he will have follow him.

    I pray that no matter what happens in this world in my lifetime, that I will remain true to the gospel. I pray that I will remain in Christ no matter what.

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