Healing prayer!

May 5, 2013
David senses what an amazing thing it is to be forgiven by God.
It’s better than trying to deny or cover up sin… that only eats you up on the inside.
When we are honest with God, the burden is removed and we are renewed.
David urges everyone to join him in being honest with God, it’s the key to revival!
Don’t be stubborn or foolish (like a mule), it will only bring your trouble and heartache.
Allow God to embrace you with His gracious, forgiving love, you will not regret it.
So what am I waiting for, why do I talk about honesty and repentance, but not actually do it?
If I want joy and gladness, if I want to feel the burden lifted, if I want my strength renewed, I need to do it!
Set aside some time (not just a few minutes), and open up to God about every weakness, struggle, sin.
This is healing prayer, how we take hold of the victory and freedom Jesus secured through the cross.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I need to stop thinking or talking about this, I need to do it. Thank You for the promise of renewal and blessing, if I open my heart to you!

One Comment

  1. (This morning I have internet 🙂

    Happiness is – sins forgiven. Forgiveness is happiness.
    Unforgiveness eats away your strength.
    Talk with God. All is an open book to Him. Share all with Him and He will forgive. He is your Rock, your Redeemer, your Protector. He is your Shelter, your Deliverer.
    Receive instruction. Receive counsel. Don’t be stubborn and go your own way but go to the PowerSource. God. He is the answer.
    Happines us being in the Lord.
    Praise Him!

    I need to talk with my Father every hour. My life is an open book for Him and He knows all – the good, the bad and the ugly. I need to be like the lost son and ask for forgiveness and stay – walk in His SonShine all the time so that I can be GodStrong – FaithStrong. WWJD in His LIGHT is putting God first always. That shows trust and puts a song upon the lips coming from the heart. No where to go? Know where to go. God is the answer and He will shed Light upon my path so that also today I can walk in the joy of the Lord Who is my Strength and Song.

    Lead me and guide me Lord this day and always.

    Lead on, O King eternal,
    We follow, not with fears,
    For gladness breaks like morning
    Where’er Thy face appears.
    Thy cross is lifted over us,
    We journey in its light;
    The crown awaits the conquest;
    Lead on, O God of might.

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