End times living!

May 1, 2013
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 24:1-8
The disciples are impressed by the architecture. Jesus is not. He sees the hollowness and frailty of this temple (and all man-made structures). He knows that human nature had made life in this world unstable. Its always only a matter of time before things, even good things, fall apart.
Time and history is moving towards crisis and breakdown. A time is coming when there will be an increase in religious confusion, natural disasters, economic collapse, wars and terrorism. These things have always happened, but it seems they will gain momentum toward the end. This increase is the beginning of the birth pangs, the sign that the delivery is at hand.
What do you notice in this passage?
So many people through history have claimed the end is near; I suspect the end still isn’t here because though we may find things bad today, historical perspective shows us that things have been much worse, and could be much worse… and will get much worse.
God is still not as impressed by our buildings as we are; He has seen buildings rise and fall through the ages, He is more interested in His spiritual temple. Are we as beautiful in living and as impressive in loving as He saved us to be?
We western Christians have a low pain threshold, We think things are getting really bad, we ‘ain’t seen nuthin yet’. This is Braxton Hicks labor pains (look it up).
Keep watch. The best way to spot a fake is to familiarize yourself with the real thing. The better we know Jesus, the easier we will spot the counterfeit Jesus’s.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, we still get sidetracked by buildings and end times speculation. Help us live each day as the day of the Lord, to live impressive and beautiful lives for You.

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