Practice what He preached (and lived!)

April 23, 2013
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 23:1-12
Jesus is not a rebel. He does not advocate revolution by disobedience, but by obedience. Even if the religious leaders disobey God and Moses, do not follow them. Obeying God’s moral law is the highest and purest form of revolution. We do not overcome evil with evil, but with good.
We should not do what we do for attention, for glory, for power. Following Jesus is taking the path of grace, mercy, humility, submission… a redemptive subversion of the worlds destructive and oppressive ways.
No titles, according to Jesus!
God will take care of lifting up and bringing people down. We all stand equal at the foot of the cross. Our calling is to be servants. Everyone should serve others – rich and poor, black and white, politicians and paupers, adults and children. This is how we honour God, this is how we follow Jesus, this is how we obey Moses.
What do you notice in this passage?
My standard needs to be God and Jesus, not the religious leaders around me. I can learn from them, I should submit to them in humility, but I need to do what God and Jesus say. And if a religious leader is a poor example of practicing what they preach, I should not just be critical, but I should do what they ought to be doing… or I am not better.
I can’t figure out how the church has fallen into the trap of worldly honours, elevating some people (clergy) to the title of Pastor, Reverend (or worst of all in my tradition, domine). I am Norm a servant of God. You are _____, a servant of God. If it was good enough for Paul and Peter, it’s good enough for me. We are all equal as brothers and sisters in the Lord. Stop giving me a title. if you want to show me respect, love and serve Jesus.
What does it mean for me to be a servant of others? Of everyone? of those I like? of those I hate? It needs to be a mindset, always looking for the opportunity to help/bless someone else, whether I know or like them or not.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, help me to practice what You preached AND practiced, to do what You said AND did.

One Comment

  1. The Pharisees and the teachers of the law knew the law of Moses, and the crowds were instructed to follow the law. But how the law was lived out was skewed in the lives of those teaching it. It had become an end in itself, and instead of bringing freedom and justice and fairness, it was a burden for those who tried to follow the law. If we take the law, and live by the summary of love, and have real concern and care for others, then we will not miss the point of the law in the first place.

    The second part of this passage talks about not placing yourself above people. Do not call others ‘Rabbi, Master, Father, Teacher”. These are all roles that people take on. Are we taught here to not aspire to these roles? I guess I will have to quit LDN (Leadership Development Network) as this program is training for leadership. Whoever humbles himself will be exalted. The purpose is not to be exalted, but to be humble and to serve others.

    I pray that I can follow God’s way, his law without having this be a burden for me or for others. I pray that I can lead others for the right reasons, and that by serving others, I will glorify God.

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