Haven’t got a clue!

April 17, 2013
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 22:23-33
The Law of Moses had it’s own system of support for widows. It may strike us as troubling (it does me), but in that time, in that culture, it was effective. See the story of Ruth for how it worked. The person who married the widow was a kinsmen (family) redeemer. The Sadducees (like the Pharisees before them) were playing a game. Once again Jesus refuses to play their game.
He basically tells them that they haven’t a clue what they are talking about. Life after the resurrection will be very different than what we know now.
He says that they are mistaken because they do not know the Scriptures, nor the power of God. The power of God means that anything is possible, but what do the Scriptures say about this? They certainly knew the Scriptures in one way, but they did not get it. They misunderstood their bible. Religious leaders who read their book incorrectly.
What do you notice in this passage?
But wait a minute, no marriage? Wasn’t marriage God’s idea (Genesis 2)? And what does it mean to be like the angels? Jesus is not saying we will be angels, but like them… in relation to marriage. Do angels get married? I guess not. Their focus is on loving and serving God and people, and this will be our focus too.
Maybe marriage will no longer be necessary, though we will still work together in God’s world. Will there be no sex in the new creation? This seems odd, since it was a part of the first creation.
Not sure, but Jesus does make it plain that our categories do not fit for the new creation.
“It is written, ‘No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has known what God has prepared for those who love him.'” (Isaiah 64:4, 1 Corinthians 2:9)
Hmm, are we guilty of misreading or misunderstanding the bible? Am I? Do I apply human logic (like the Sadduccees did) and come up with mistaken theology? I have often thought that our attempt to understand the doctrine of election or the trinity is the logical mind trying to unravel a mystery, and we turn it into a systematic theology that is mistaken.
I really think we need a greater humility when we speak of the things of God. It doesn’t mean we cannot have thoughts about these things, but we need to hold them lightly, humbly, always ready to submit our theologies to God’s wisdom and power.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, forgive me for speaking confidently of my interpretations. Instead of explaining away the mysteries, or boxing them into systematic theologies, remind me to take off my shoes before these burning bushes, and worship You.

23 That same day the Sadducees came to Jesus with a question. They do not believe that people rise from the dead.
24 “Teacher,” they said, “here is what Moses told us. If a man dies without having children, his brother must get married to the widow. He must have children to carry on his brother’s name. 25 There were seven brothers among us. The first one got married and died. Since he had no children, he left his wife to his brother. 26 The same thing happened to the second and third brothers. It happened right on down to the seventh brother. 27 Finally, the woman died. 28 Now then, when the dead rise, whose wife will she be? All seven of them were married to her.”
29 Jesus replied, “You are mistaken, because you do not know the Scriptures. And you do not know the power of God. 30 When the dead rise, they won’t get married. And their parents won’t give them to be married. They will be like the angels in heaven.
31 “What about the dead rising? Haven’t you read what God said to you? 32 He said, ‘I am the God of Abraham. I am the God of Isaac. And I am the God of Jacob.’ (Exodus 3:6) He is not the God of the dead. He is the God of the living.”
33 When the crowds heard this, they were amazed by what he taught.

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