The most important stone of all!

April 11, 2013
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 21:42-46
Jesus is trying to get the religious leaders to see, to understand, to repent. He quotes their bible (the Jewish scriptures, what Christians call the old testament), Psalm 118. This Psalm was written for one of the temple celebrations. David as king leads the procession (with branches waving, Psalm 118:27), praising God for His mercy to him, the underdog king whom God gives victory in battle. He is the stone that people thought was worthless, but Good picked him.
Jesus compares Himself to David; just as every king that opposed David was defeated, everyone who opposes Jesus will be defeated. Jesus (who has just entered Jerusalem with raving branches) is the underdog king whom God gives victory, the most important stone of all!
As we saw yesterday, ultimately people will either repent when they stand before Good and Jesus, or they will refuse. Here we see the religious leaders refusing to listen, refusing to repent. Instead they plot to toss the stone, the most important stone of all!
What do you notice in this passage?
Jesus is the most important stone of all! people will either find a solid foundation on Him, or they will trip over Him.
I believe God gives us this life to prepare for that final moment. He gives us plenty of opportunities and challenges to choose towards or against Him.
We cannot judge from what we see who will repent and who will refuse. We see here that very religious people will harden their hearts to Jesus, while others who said NO to God (tax collectors and prostitutes) change their minds (see Matthew 21:28-32).
Belonging to a church is no guarantee; neither is not belonging to a church. What matters is our deep down heart response to God, Jesus, His kingdom message.
The religious leaders did not believe Him (though maybe later some of them repented (see John 19:39, Acts 15:5), while the people believed He was a prophet.
Jesus is the most important stone of all, and ultimately our response to Him, His kingdom message will determine whether we stand firm or fall over Him.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, my faith is variable, sometimes weak and sometimes strong. You are solid, a sure foundation. Help me to repent and not refuse, to stand firm on You and not trip over You. You are the most important stone of all!


  1. What to do with the message of the kingdom of God. Today we find out that it matters. Jesus refers to some Old Testament verses about a stone rejected by builders becoming the capstone. To me this is clear that Jesus is talking about himself. We are told later that if we fall on this stone we will be broken. I am not sure, but this does not sound good. I wonder what the analogy of falling on the stone means? If the stone falls on you then you will be crushed. I can take this to mean that if God chooses to reject me, then I will be crushed. This, to me is talking about the judgement power of Jesus.

    Like yesterday’s story, today we are told that the kingdom of God will be taken away from those it was given to, and will be given to those who will bear fruit. I pray that I will be able to participate in the kingdom and will bear fruit.

  2. Observations:
    The cornerstone is foundational, but the people have rejected it. It has become the crushing stone because the people did not respond to His Word. They did not bear fruit – just leaves.

    And knowing that Christ was talking about their ‘deadness’, they continued in their own was rejecting the ‘living stone’ plotting to kill the only person important in their lives but afraid of the mob that followed Jesus since they thought He was from God – a prophet.

    Jesus is the Corner Stone on which I must build my house so that I can stand today’s storms and stand also in His presence. I am reminded of Joshua’s words – As for me and my house, we will serve the living God. That household/house was built upon Christ! My foundation is upon Him and Him alone and He picks me up when I stumble and fall. He is not a stumbling block, but rather a stepping stone for the growing of His kingdom. Help me Lord on my Way this day.

    Turn my eyes toward home Lord so that all my building here on earth is for You – for Your purpose in my life – a kingdom kid building for the Master Builder Jesus Christ – for His eternal Kingdom.

    You are my strength when I am weak
    You are the treasure that I seek
    You are my all in all
    I’m seeking You like a precious jewel
    Lord, to give up I’d be a fool
    You are my all in all

    Jesus, Lamb of God
    Holy is Your name
    Jesus, Lamb of God
    Holy is Your name

    Taking my cross my sin my shame
    Raising again I praise Your name
    You are my all in all
    When I fall down You pick me up
    When I run dry You fill my cup
    You are my all in all
    ( From: )

    Jesus, Lamb of God
    Holy is Your name
    Jesus, Lamb of God
    Holy is Your name

    Jesus, Lamb of God
    Holy is Your name
    Jesus, Lamb of God
    Holy is Your name

    You are my strength when I am weak
    You are the treasure that I seek
    You are my all in all
    When I fall down You pick me up
    When I run dry You fill my cup
    You are my all in all

    Jesus, Lamb of God
    Holy is Your name, lets go
    Jesus, Lamb of God
    Holy is Your name
    Lyrics from

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