Of course, it’s obvious…

April 10, 2013
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 21:33-41
Jesus tells a simple story, so simple that even his disciples know the answer. ”Of course, it’s obvious,, the owner will assign the land to other people, people who will give the owner what he deserves.”
A contemporary parallel, if a Tim Horton’s franchisee refuses to make their payments to the Tim Horton’s Corporation, if they rip up the letters, refuse the representatives entry into the store, or even pour hot coffee on them to burn them and keep them away, what will the Corporation do? Of course, it’s obvious…
God has assigned this world to humans as His agents, to care for, to cultivate, to bless for the good of all. But what if we continue to refuse to do so, if we reject every attempt by God to get us back on track, and if we ultimately reject His Son… what will God do?
Of course, it’s obvious…
What do you notice in this passage?
Do we think of ourselves as owners or stewards, masters or servants? Do we understand that we have an obligation to God and creation and humanity? Do we realize the consequences of we fail to fulfill our role and responsibility?
Of course, it’s obvious…
I believe at the final judgment, no one will be able to say, ”I never knew!”. Deep down inside we know, we sense, that we have this obligation; unfortunately many choose to ignore it or defy it.
Ultimately God knows the heart. Only He can judge whether and to what extent people should be responsible for their actions. And He will.
In the end, when we stand before God, and He asks us what we deserve, I believe we will say, Of course, it’s obvious…
What is not so obvious is how His grace will factor in. How far, and to whom, will God’s grace be extended. Will everyone be forgiven, or only those who repent? Jesus (the Son described in Jesus’ story) says the key is repentance, those who admit their crime.
In the end, when we stand before God, and He asks us what we deserve, I believe we will say, Of course, it’s obvious… But I also believe that at that moment, some will repent, while others will refuse.
And what will happen to those who repent, and those who refuse?
Of course, it’s obvious…
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, already in this life I am preparing my heart towards repenting or refusing. I want to repent, I need to repent… we all do. Help me not to close my heart to You.


  1. When looking at today’s story in a macro sort of way, this seems like the story of mankind. A man planted a vineyard –God created the earth. A man puts farmers in charge of his vineyard – God puts man in charge of his creation. The farmers do not give the man what is due to him, and torture, beat, and kill those who try to collect – mankind do not live up to God’s laws, and do not provide God with a relationship he desires, and they torture, beat, and kill the prophets and those who call them back to God. Man sends his own son to collect, and his own son is killed – God sends his son to make right our relationship with God, and he is killed.

    Jesus does not end this parable. I know this because the ink in my Bible goes from red to black. The end is kind of obvious, and we do not see Jesus correcting the end given. The farmers who rejected the man’s attempts to collect his due will be thrown out and new ones will be put in place. This is where it gets a little tricky. Does this mean that God will throw out or reject mankind? Or his chosen people? I am not sure of the parallel here. I do believe that after Jesus death, that the kingdom of God was expanded to include people of all nations. Perhaps this is what is meant???

    On a micro level, what does this story mean? What does it mean for me? I believe that God wants me to give him what is due to Him? And what does God want from me? He wants a relationship with me. He wants me to praise him. He wants me to consider him in my decisions and in all my life. He wants me to be thankful for the blessings he has provided, and he wants me to be his hands and feet to those around me. If I reject him, He will move on to someone who will provide him with what is due to Him.

    I pray that I can be the man that will be pleasing to God. I thank God for the time he has given me on this earth (52 years today). I pray for God’s continued presence in my life.

  2. Observations:
    The wall reminds me here of Haiti 🙂
    Tenants do not own but work the land, giving of the produce to the LandLord. There was even a watchtower, watching over all what was happening. And the parable continues how the tenants went their own way. This parable is the life of Christ.

    This is God’s world. Our world belongs to God and yet His people behave as if it is theirs. Our God speaks many a time to His people, via other servants of His showing the Way. He still does that today by His community, His Spirit, His Word, His servants but do we listen or have ears that hear what is being said? The tenants went their own way after their own wealth, thinking that this was their world, their opportunity for life.

    I need to see God’s messengers and messages to me each day anew as I continue to serve Him in all I do. My world belongs to Him and He has put a protective hedge around me like Job. It is in Him I may work as if it was my own. I need to work each day for His increase and in His time He will share the harvest – LIFE everlasting. Oh what privilege to work for such a King.

    Help me this day Lord to praise You in all I do and say that I am not my own but belong to my Saviour and I work for Him. Thank You that Your Spirit is here to encourage me on my way this day You have made.

    Rejoice in the Lord Always and again I say rejoice.
    Rejoice in the Lord Always and again I say rejoice.
    Rejoice, Rejoice, and again I say rejoice!
    Rejoice, Rejoice, and again I say rejoice!

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