Jesus turns the conversation on me

April 8, 2013
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 21:23-27
As noted before, how Jesus answers people depends on who he is talking to. Here he is speaking with representatives for God that are more concerned about their worldly interests than in spiritual interests. Jesus exposes this by His response.
It is frustrating when people answer a question with a question. Usually the questioner is in control of the conversation. The religious leaders want to control Jesus, to keep Him in line. Jesus cannot be controlled. Their refusal to answer allows them a measure of control, yet it also reveals their duplicitous nature. Jesus finishes the conversation, He is in control, for His authority is from God, not from human opinion.
The religious leaders were concerned about their positions and reputations with the people. Yet their positions, as representatives of God, should have led them to be more concerned about God’s valuation of them.
What do you notice in this passage?
Whose opinion drives me? Am I motivated by what people might say or think?
Yes, I need to admit this, I am a people pleaser. I say some things, or avoid saying other things, because of what others might say. And I also am in a position (as a Christian) that represents God (so are you, if you are a Christian).
At other times I do say the hard things, but it bothers me when people are offended it. I hate offending people. Confession is good for the soul, but what do I do with this?
I sense the Lord challenging me (in response to all my petitions and questions) with His own question, who are you really seeking after? More driven by my own self-interest than by my concern for Good or the interests of others.
Jesus’ question here challenges me, exposes me, not to condemn me but to help me.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, even when I pray, You are in control of the conversation. You show me my heart, my self-focus, my need for repentance. It’s not nice, but it is necessary.


  1. Jesus was being backed into a corner. Answering a question that would get him into trouble, regardless of what he said. And not answering directly would also have given an implied answer. The question basically is Who do you work for? Any answer would land him in hot water.

    So in order to expose the question as a trick question, he asks one of his own. Who did John the Baptizer work for? Since neither side would answer the questions, we end up in a stalemate.

    I get out of this passage, that life will not always be easy. Not everyone will love me, or agree with me. Some may even go out of their way to hurt me. As this was not yet God’s timing for Jesus to be put on trial, he answers the questions shrewdly. We are told elsewhere in scripture that men may take us, and drag us in front of the courts, and say all kinds of untruths about us, but that when we stand up to speak, he will give us the words to say. I pray that I will hang on to this promise, that when I am in a situation where I am not sure what is to be said, that He will give me wise words to speak.

  2. Observations:
    The religious leaders questioned Jesus’ authority although they had already seen His power and His following. They knew by what authority but were once again trying to ‘trick’ Him so that the people would follow them instead.

    God’s power is at work all the time and I must be able to see that daily. Where did I see Christ this day? Where did I experience His power at work? God still uses people His wonder to perform. I must be able to see God’s power at work also this day to be GodStrong. All should be obvious that this is God’s WORLD and it is in Him I go forward each day.

    Help me to be a SonBeam this day to make You SonShine.

    Jesus wants me for a sunbeam,
    To shine for Him each day;
    In every way try to please Him,
    At home, at school, at play.
    A sunbeam, a sunbeam,
    Jesus wants me for a sunbeam;
    A sunbeam, a sunbeam,
    I’ll be a sunbeam for Him.
    Jesus wants me to be loving,
    And kind to all I see;
    Showing how pleasant and happy,
    His little one can be.
    I will ask Jesus to help me
    To keep my heart from sin;
    Ever reflecting His goodness,
    And always shine for Him.
    I’ll be a sunbeam for Jesus,
    I can if I but try;
    Serving Him moment by moment,
    Then live for Him on high.

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