Save Your people!!!

April 7, 2013
David is in trouble. It seems he is being mistreated or attacked by ‘those who do evil’. His situation is desperate. Of God doesn’t step in, he will die. He is praying with desperation, pleading with God for help.
The sinners David speaks of are not sinners in general, like we all are. These are cruel, malicious, violent people. They defy God and destroy people. David is a sinner like all of us, but he was not a cruel, malicious evil man though the episode with Bathsheba and Uriah raises doubts about him too). But his true heart is shown when he repents even of that sin.
David finishes this song by saying that God did eventually help him (so the last party is written later), or by claiming through faith that God will help him, that God strengthened him and his faith through prayer, and that God will continue to help him as king and the people of Israel.
Either way, this is a song of praise for a Good that saves.
What do you notice in this passage?
I am a sinner in general, but I am not a cruel, malicious person… certainly not intentionally. I hate hurting people. I have enough of God’s heart to want to help people.
I do not have any of these kind of people coming after me, but I do feel this psalm for people who do. People who are abused, taking advantage of, child prostitutes, sex slaves, child soldiers, slave labor. I can pray this prayer for them.
I can also sing this song of praise for them. Psalm 146:7-9 — The Lord stands up for those who are beaten down. He gives food to hungry people. The Lord sets prisoners free. The Lord gives sight to those who are blind. The Lord lifts up those who feel helpless. The Lord loves those who do what is right. The Lord watches over the outsiders who live in our land. He takes good care of children whose fathers have died. He also takes good care of widows. But he causes evil people to fail in everything they do.
I sense the Lord inviting me to join Him in helping those who are oppressed and helpless, and to trust that He will help, He will establish justice, He will thwart the wicked, He will make things right.
Save your people. Bless those who belong to you. Be their shepherd. Take care of them forever!!!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, this is Your prayer, it is mine too. Please help (!!!), come to their side, provide for them in their horrible situation. Show me how I can help too.

One Comment

  1. Observations:
    In his difficulty, David cries to the Lord for help. And the Lord God hears his cries.

    All the time, I need to walk and talk with God. He is my Strength and my Song. He is my Shield and my Protector. He is my Shepherd and I must follow. And as my Shepherd, He knows what is good for me. No matter what, He will carry me through – the good times and the bad. I must rely, commune, think, talk, sing, . . . . do ALL . . . . in His presence for He is God, my Saviour and Redeemer and I walk with Him my risen Saviour.


    God gives His people strength. If we believe in His way, He’s swift to repay all those who bear the burden of the day. God gives His people strength.
    God gives His people hope. If we but trust in His word, our prayers are always heard. He warmly welcomes anyone who’s erred. God gives His people hope.
    God gives His people love. If we but open wide our heart, He’s sure to do His part; He’s always the first to make a start. God gives His people love.
    God gives His people peace. When sorrow fills us to the brim, and courage grows dim, He lays to rest our restlessness in Him. God gives His people peace.

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