Jesus drives a Skoda

April 2, 2013
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 21:1-11
Watching the Bible TV Series has affected the way I read these stories. I imaging the context more, the street sounds, the reactions of the crowds, the Romans, the religious leaders. I imagine what Jesus must have been thinking, how His heart must have been heavy as He rode into the city. The TV Series has Jesus flashing back to this moment – the crowds cheering – as He walks along the path of suffering, carrying the cross.
The prophet had a picture of a unique Messiah, not riding on a war horse but on a donkey. A symbol of peace, not war… of humility not pride. Hard to take someone seriously on a donkey, certainly less inspiring than a warrior on a war horse.
The whole city is caught up in the excitement, is it a parade, who’s the guy on the donkey? I am sure the Roman solders were snickering as He passed by.
Here He is not welcomed as the Messiah, but as a prophet from Galilee.
What do you notice in this passage?
Who is Jesus to me? Does my response to Him befit a king, the messiah? Am I half-hearted or indifferent to Jesus, or do I really believe that He is the One, the One I need, the One that we’re waiting for?
His mode of transportation is hardly impressive to me, but that He willingly chooses this mode, that is impressive. If Jesus is the image (reflection) of what God is like, does my view of God fit with Jesus choosing a donkey? In today’s terms, would God arrive in a chauffer-driven limousine, or in a Kia or Skoda or Lada?
We are designed to be the image (reflection) of God, how do we show up? Big fancy cars, expensive clothes, making an impression, making sure we look good or stylish or impressive? I think many of us would be embarrassed to show up publicly like Jesus did, yet if we want to be like God…
What about church buildings, should a sanctuary be impressive (Crystal Cathedral) or humble (Gymnasium), should it be formal or functional (no running, no drinking coffee, only wear Sunday best, etc.). As a pastor I sometimes catch myself being embarrassed by our church which meets in a school gym, and I am sometimes impressed by these fancy, posh, ornate sanctuaries. But what impresses God? Jesus?
When I see Jesus on a donkey, driving a Skoda, I think I know the answer.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, You are impressive to me precisely because You do not try to impress me. Make my heart more like Yours!


  1. I often will miss a small detail in a story. I am not sure of the way it is told, or how it is shown in movies or stories. The disciples were asked to pick up two donkeys from the town just ahead. A mother donkey and her colt. I am not sure how important this is but Jesus used these lowly animals to ride into town. And he rode into town on the colt, the smaller of the two. I wonder if his feet were dragging on the ground. Was this like riding into Jerusalem on one of those small shriner cars?

    This method of entry works well with his stories that he has been telling the last few days. “The first shall be last…” He is not trying to make himself look important. He is certainly not entering the city as a king might.

    The crowds, on the other hand do not just see a donkey with a man riding it. They see a king. When they are shouting “Hosanna to the son of David” they are referring to old testament promises. David’s throne will last forever. The Messiah will come from David. So they are seeing a triumphal entrance and they treat him as their king. Laying their cloaks on the road, and when they ran out of clothing, they used the branches of the trees. In the past Jesus had told people not to say who he was. But today, he entered the city with the masses of people praising his name. I am sure that this made CNN news that night, and people knew what was going on in the city.

    I pray that I can see Jesus for who he is. He is my King, he is my messiah. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest!

  2. Observations:
    Jesus is in charge and He knows what was to happen. His hour was a coming. All would be according to what was hid in the OT and now revealed in the NT. Today a donkey and tomorrow a white stallion. Today the Hosannas and tomorrow Crucify Him! Who is this man? Jesus of Nazareth and I too must respond as Thomas, ‘My Lord and my God.’

    Just do it because the Master said so. Just do it because the Bible tells me so. That is reason enough. And once again I am reminded that the Lord God came as a servant to serve. So must I be a living example. Serve Him all you people. God is love! Lay down all before Him – bow down and worship Him with my whole being -cloak and all. Nothing is too good. All is His. Praise Him.

    As Jesus was the suffering servant riding on a donkey I too need to be the servant He desires me to be. Praise Him with my all in all.All what I have is His. My world belongs to God and He receives the praises of the people – of those who know Him. Help me in my service this day You have made.

    Make me a channel of Your peace this day Lord as I serve You in what I do and say.

    Spirit of the living God
    Fall fresh on me
    Spirit of the living God
    Fall fresh on me

    Break me, melt me, mold me fill me
    Spirit of the living God
    Fall fresh on me

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