resurrection living

March 26, 2013
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 20:17-19
We’re all going to die, it’s not a question of IF but WHEN.
Still, Jesus seems to be quite open to talking about it. And not just any death, a horrible, painful death.
To be arrested by the representatives of Moses (remember Moses talking with Jesus with Elijah), the people who ought to have welcomed Him? To be sentenced to death by them and handed over to the Romans to be mocked, tortured and crucified.
It is interesting that He talks about this in the third person (they will nail him to a cross); He is talking about what the scriptures predict will happen to God’s messiah, the Son of Man (hinted at in Isaiah 53).
He also speaks openly about His resurrection; He expected it, which is why He continued to obey God, even though it meant going through this painful path… He knew He would come out on the other side!
What do you notice in this passage?
We also know we are going to die. We do not know when, but we do know that when our purpose on earth is done, we too will die. Are we as open about talking about it? Is it morbid to talk about dying, to be totally honest about it? Is this what Moses meant when he said, “Teach us to realize how short our lives are. Then our hearts will become wise.” (Psalm 90:12)
And we also believe, with as much evidence as Jesus had, that we will be resurrected after we die. You may think that Jesus knew more than us, but remember He was human, all He had to count on was God’s promise, just like us.
I believe that death is not the end, that because of Jesus there is life after death. I also believe that I will not die – I cannot die – before my purpose is fulfilled. Just like Jesus, I am here for a time and a purpose, to fulfill God’s calling. So are you. Then we die. Then we are raised up.
Sometimes I wonder if we really believe this; we seem more preoccupied with staying alive than in living with/for God.
And the way we talk, you hardly get the sense that we think we will be raised to a better life on the other side.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, remind me that my life here is short, with a purpose. Help me to know the limits of this life, so that I can live it on purpose for You, until the next life!


  1. I am not sure how much Jesus’ mission affected his ministry and his life. Jesus was resolutely going to Jerusalem, knowing that he was going to be killed. I notice that on the way there, he told parables, healed the sick, and helped people. This was what a typical day was for him. In today’s verses he takes a little time to let his friends know what to expect in the next little while. “We’ll drop in to the city, I will be captured, and beaten. There will be a trial, and I will be condemned and will be given a death sentence. Are you all with me? Let’s go.”

    He does tell his disciples that he will be raised from the dead on the third day. Do you think that they even heard this? From everything that I know about death, resurrection is not something that one plans for or can even hope for. It doesn’t happen. But what is impossible for man is possible for God. Jesus knew the plan, and tried to prepare his friends for what was to come. When it happened they were not prepared. When it was over, these words came back to the disciples, and helped them believe that Jesus is alive.

    This was not an easy conversation to have. I cannot imagine what Jesus was going through as he headed towards Jerusalem. Knowing that the future holds events that are hard can make one fearful. But knowing that God will prevail, and that he hold my future, and ultimately it is a good one should remove the fear of the road to wherever.

  2. Observations:
    Going to Jerusalem, Jesus tells His followers of the coming events. His death and resurrection. They hear but they don’t. Ears they have but they do not hear. The religious leaders are going to do this! But there is more to the story. Life in the hereafter. There is Life after death.

    We are all here for a purpose. Shakespeare said that we strut across the stage and then we are no more. Yes we die, BUT, there is LIFE after death. Christ is risen indeed and He has given us that new LIFE starting today and we live it forever. Death is but the gateway for the foreverland. I need to live that foreverness this day He has created. Purposeful living! Living for Jesus this day He has made. He is alive. Christ Jesus s alive forevermore. And so am I by His power. He raised me from the dead and so I live for Him today and forevermore. I too, am alive. Alive forevermore!

    Help me this day Lord to walk with my risen Saviour all day along the WAY! He is ALIVE! I am ALIVE!

    Alive alive alive forevermore
    My Jesus is alive
    Alive forevermore
    Alive alive alive forevermore
    My Jesus is alive

    Sing hallelujah, sing hallelujah
    My Jesus is alive forevermore
    Sing hallelujah, sing hallelujah
    My Jesus is alive

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