One Comment

  1. Observations:
    Moses is speaking the word of God once again to the people reviewing what He had done. Time and time again the people confided in their own strength rather than His. They did not trust in His mighty power although they had experienced it time and time again.

    The Lord speaks to Moses giving specific instructions each time. Listening and doing goes hand in hand and He gave the victory. Do this and live! The Lord God fights for you. Follow the decrees. remember His faithfulness. Don’t forget what He has done for you. Tell the next generation. Seek Him and you will find.

    The Lord gave His guidelines by giving the commandments. Time and time Moses spoke saying ‘Hear O Israel.’ Do this and live and receive the bounty the Lord God gives and never forget what He has done for you. Just do what is right and good and true.

    If the Lord is not on our side where would we be? Once again I see that the people must do as He says – not my will, but Yours be done. What with the risen Saviour each day and He will give the victory but going contrary to His word means chaos. Listen for His voice and just do it. Follow His decrees. Remember His goodness and faithfulness. Walk in His SonShine. Stay ‘tuned-in.’ Seek and I will find. Talk to Him daily. He has promised. His presence is present wherever I am and I need to acknowledge that always.

    The gave directions how to live by His commandments. Once again He says, ‘Do this and live.’ Listen and obey. Walk in obedience.

    No Moses today speaking the Word but we do have the Word and the Spirit to guide us in the way to go so that we too can walk with Him each day. As He lead His people then – cloud and fire – He still
    ontinues to lead His people to day as long as we/I listen to His voice saying ‘This is the way. Walk in it.’

    Help me each day Lord, to obey all what You have commanded. Speak, Lord for Your servant is listening.

    Spirit of the living God
    Fall fresh on me
    Spirit of the living God
    Fall fresh on me

    Break me, melt me, mold me fill me
    Spirit of the living God
    Fall fresh on me

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