How He loves…

March 7, 2013
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 18:10-14
1. Jesus has a special place in His heart for little children. He has assigned an angel to each one, and they report to God (go one on one with Him, face to face) everything that is done against them. Anyone who abuses or neglects in any way (ie despises them, treats them as less than they are, God’s precious much loved children), will one day have to face God themselves. Crimes against the vulnerable (“little ones”) will be handled seriously by the court of heaven.
2. Notice that there is no verse 11. At one time the words of Luke 19:10 were included here: “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” Now there is evidence that this was a later addition, not in the original.
3. For God, a little child is like a lost sheep. He will go out of His way for it, even leaving the others to help it. And His joy at rescuing this needy sheep will be like His love for the 99 squared, multiplied! That is how passionate God is for little children (and any who are weak or vulnerable). Woe to that person who neglects or abuses them!
What do you notice in this passage?
All people are God’s children (sheep), but all have gone astray (Isaiah 53:6), all of us need Him to seek us. Thank You God that You do not let me go, but come running after me, to rescue and help me! You are the good shepherd (Ezekiel 34:11-16, John 10:11-15).
All people are God’s sheep, but some sheep are weak and needy, while others are cruel and merciless. God has a special place for the vulnerable sheep (the little ones), and a special judgment for this merciless sheep.
Secure in the knowledge that God loves me, who do I see around me that qualifies as a ‘little one’: weak, vulnerable, struggling, needy, lost, hurting, despairing?
If God leaves me to find them, wouldn’t it be great for me to join Him to help Him find the lost one? Double bonus, we get to be with Him, and we get to celebrate when we find the lost ones.
When Jesus says ‘follow me’, He is asking us to join Him in seeking and saving the lost. Jesus is on the front lines of the world, in the dangerous, scary places where little sheep wander lost. I wonder how often He looks over His shoulder wondering where His helpers are, where I am?
How often do we go to church to be with God; if you want to be with God, go to where the lost are, that’s where He is!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, Your passion for the lost, that they may be restored, is a invitation, a calling… or a judgment. If I really want to be with You where You are, maybe I need to spend more time in the places where You are.


  1. Sometimes reading a small section like today, and reflecting on it reveals something that a quick longer section will easily miss. It is like slowing down while driving to enjoy the scenery, or better yet, letting someone else drive so you can really see what is passing by.

    Today I noticed that we are urged not to look down on one of these little ones because “their” angels in heaven always see the face of the Father. I don’t know a lot about angels, but from this verse it appears that I have one. And it looks like my angel is looking out for me, reporting to the Father anything that is relevant. I always thought that God himself was looking out for me. This is interesting to ponder.

    One hundred sheep, and one gets away. This means to me that we are important as individuals. God cares deeply for me, and for each one of us. Sure, he cares for us as a group, but his real concern is how we are doing as an individual. And I am reminded that he continues to search for us, to have a relationship with us, even if we reject him. I should say especially if we reject him. In his time, and by gently prodding, and through life’s circumstances, he calls us back to him. The Father is not willing that one be lost.

    I pray that as God’s word is revealed, that I slow down and ponder what God is saying. I pray that I can listen to find out more about God, His creation, and my place in it. I thank God for the awesome God he is, and for his love and care for even the smallest details of creation, and his love for me.

  2. Observations:
    Once again we see the special place of children.

    The sheep wanders from the fold and the shepherd leaves the sheep in order to find the wanderer. And there is happiness because the sheep is found. None of the little ones – the sheep – His children should perish. That’s the shepherd’s desire.

    A stepping stone or a stumbling block? Do not hinder the little children to come unto Me. That’s what the Father said. We can not be stumbling blocks that hinder their travels with the Father. And even when one wanders, te Father will do all to bring him back to the fold because he is His child. Once a sheep, always a sheep. A sheep can not become a goat. Reminds me in a way of the wandering son coming home.

    Help me this day to be an instrument of Your peace.

    What a fellowship, what a joy divine,
    Leaning on the everlasting arms;
    What a blessedness, what a peace is mine,
    Leaning on the everlasting arms.

    Leaning, leaning, safe and secure from all alarms;
    Leaning, leaning, leaning on the everlasting arms.

    O how sweet to walk in this pilgrim way,
    Leaning on the everlasting arms;
    O how bright the path grows from day to day,
    Leaning on the everlasting arms.


    What have I to dread, what have I to fear,
    Leaning on the everlasting arms;
    I have blessed peace with my Lord so near,
    Leaning on the everlasting arms.

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