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  1. Observations/Applications:

    The people spoke against the Lord even after the Lord had given them the victory. The people were ‘grumble bees.’ Yet God continues to give them the lands at great costs. Remember the bronze snake. Look where the power to overcome comes from.
    The story of Balaam and the donkey shows once again that His people must travel God’s Way rather than insisting upon his own way. Our words, our actions must be the very words of the Lord. Living for Jesus. All too often we desire to have God in our ‘pockets’ and pull Him out when He can help us on our way. We treat God like a genie.

    Today, I too need to speak the very words of the Lord. I need to share the mighty actions/deeds that He has done. I need to be His champion, lead by the Spirit and therefor strong to do His will. An instrument of His peace. Standing up for Christ – He is first – and His will be done.

    The plague – how can a young man keep his way pure? How can the people keep their ways pure? Follow the Word of the Lord. Do not go your own way. Those who do their own thing will perish – plague, being ‘swallowed up’, destroyed by the enemy. Always be zealous for His Way. He has told us how to live. Listen to His voice and just do it. There is no other way.

    God’s people are great in number as shown by the counting of the people and the levites. In spite of the people’s ways, God still leads and guides so that His Kingdom may come and His will be done.

    God always provides men/women of His desire to lead His people – passing the baton – giving leadership to the people – shepherding the people – being in tune with the Lord.

    The various offerings show that our lives need to be sacrifices of praise to the Lord. Once again the Lord is saying to His people – do this and live. My Way. And so today – I need open ears to hear the Word of the Lord saying – Do this and live! As He guided His people then, He continues to guide His people today if we but open our eyes and ears and trust and obey.

    Speak Lord, for your servant is listening.


    1. Guide me, O thou great Jehovah,
    pilgrim through this barren land.
    I am weak, but thou art mighty;
    hold me with thy powerful hand.
    Bread of heaven, bread of heaven,
    feed me till I want no more;
    feed me till I want no more.

    2. Open now the crystal fountain,
    whence the healing stream doth flow;
    let the fire and cloudy pillar
    lead me all my journey through.
    Strong deliverer, strong deliverer,
    be thou still my strength and shield;
    be thou still my strength and shield.

    3. When I tread the verge of Jordan,
    bid my anxious fears subside;
    death of death and hell’s destruction,
    land me safe on Canaan’s side.
    Songs of praises, songs of praises,
    I will ever give to thee;
    I will ever give to thee.

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