Cross-less Christians???

February 26, 2013
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 16:24-28
Yesterday I talked about how we misunderstand Jesus’ message, and today Jesus makes it clear what it means to believe in and follow Him.
Deny myself, take up my cross (suffering for the sake of others, to help them), follow (imitate) Jesus. To lose my life for Jesus, to give up the world to gain my soul? Many people who did follow Jesus back then did forfeit their lives, and it still happens around the world today. But does this look like Christianity as we see it in Canada or the US? Seems to me wet have found a way to gain the world and our souls
Why does Jesus’ speak of rewarding people according to what they have done? Do we earn God’s forgiveness and acceptance by how we live? Or do our deeds reveal whether we have truly accepted God’s grace or not? I think this is it (see Matthew 22), we are forgiven but our refusal to forgive others shows that we have not truly understood and appreciated God’s forgiveness.
I think v.28 refers to what is coming next, the transfiguration.
What do you notice in this passage?
What we do does not earn us God’s grace and forgiveness, we are loved and forgiven. This is where it all begins. But it does not end there. We are too be moved by the very same compassion that helped us, joining with Jesus’ to help others.
To carry the cross: to see people in their struggle, their suffering, their need, and to offer my love and my help from my own resources, even if it means sacrifice for myself.
Do I really understand and appreciate all that God had done for me, even I did not deserve it?
Am I trying to gain my soul and the world? Are there many Christians, like Jesus said, who think they are saved, but are not (Matthew 7:21-23)?
I think this is the biggest challenge that western Christianity faces right now, a failure to understand what it means to follow Jesus.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I’ve been thinking this for years, Burt what has changed in me. What have I learned about being a Jesus-follower, and how had it changed my life?


  1. Lots of questions in this passage. What does it mean to deny myself? Does this mean give up on second helpings of pasta? What does it mean to take up his cross? His cross meant death? Is that was is expected? What does it mean to follow him? We can follow a crowd or a church? How do I follow Jesus?

    What does the verse “Whoever loses their life for me will save it “ mean? Is this suggesting that we should not value life? But if I want to save my life I will lose it??? This riddle is hard for me to understand.

    This passage is kind of future speaking and issues of life and morality are weaved in, with talking of forfeiting a person’s soul. What is a soul? These verses say you can lose it, and suggests that striving for things of the world – money, power, recognition – may result in losing your soul.

    Then Jesus says that he is going to come back in his Father’s glory to reward those according to what they have done. Sounds like good works to me. There is no carrot and stick mentioned in these verses. Only carrot.

    Finally more questions. Some who are standing here will not taste death until they see the son of Man coming in his kingdom. What does this refer to? When did/does the Son of Man come in his kingdom? Pentecost? 70 years later at the destruction of Jeruselem? Or are there still some of those people hanging around today, keeping a low profile?

  2. Observation:
    Follow Jesus – a Jesus follower. Just like the disciples who dropped everything and walked with Jesus. But all to often we come with excuses with what we need to do before we follow. Our way before His Way. All too often man builds his own ‘homes – castles’ rather than using his gifts to serve the Lord. As

    As the disciples dropped all and followed Him, so must I. As Christ came to serve, so must I. I am not my own. I am here to serve and serve I must. That service must be reflected in my daily doing – in my living for Jesus. The basic question is once again – why am I here? Why did the Lord God created me? And the bottom line is – to serve Him in all I do. Today God Is First.

    Help me this day Lord to live for You. Not my will, but Yours be done.

    I cannot come.
    I cannot come to the banquet,
    Don’t trouble me now.
    I have married a wife,
    I have bought me a cow.
    I have fields and commitments
    That cost a pretty sum,
    Pray, hold me excused,
    I cannot come.

    Verse 1
    A certain man held a feast
    On his fine estate in town,
    He laid a festive table,
    And wore a wedding gown.
    He sent invitations
    To his neighbors far and wide,
    But when the meal was ready,
    Each of them replied…..


    Verse 2
    The master rose up in anger,
    Called his servants by name, said:
    “Go into the town,
    Fetch the blind and the lame,
    Fetch the peasant and the pauper
    For this I have willed,
    My banquet must be crowed,
    And my table must be filled.”


    Verse 3
    When all the poor had assembled,
    There was still room to spare,
    So the master demanded:
    “Go search ev’rywhere,
    To the highways and the byways
    And force them to come in,
    My table must be filled before the banquet can begin.


    Verse 4
    Now God has written a lesson
    For the rest of mankind;
    If we’re slow in responding,
    He may leave us behind
    He’s preparing a banquet for that
    Great and glorious day,
    When the Lord and Master callus,
    Be certain not to say….

    I cannot come.
    I cannot come to the banquet,
    Don’t trouble me now.
    I have married a wife,
    I have bought me a cow.
    I have fields and commitments
    That cost a pretty sum,
    Pray, hold me excused,
    I cannot come.

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