Its not about the bread

February 20, 2013
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 16:5-12
It’s not about the bread. Jesus uses bread in a figurative way, but the disciples miss the point. This seems to happen a lot with Jesus-followers. Jesus talks about water and cleansing, and we get sidetracked about when and how to baptize; Jesus talks about His body and blood, and we have endless debates about if/how the bread and wine turn into His body and blood. Jesus talks about carrying our cross, and we wear it as jewelry. Jesus organizes a movement of followers (called out ones, literally the ecclesia or church), and we build buildings. Jesus sets aside servant leaders, and we ordain them and give them titles and garments.
I am sure Jesus says to His followers still today, “You of little faith!”
What do you notice in this passage?
Have we missed the point of the gospel, have we missed the point of the kingdom, have we missed the point of Jesus, have we missed the point of the bible?
Remember how the religious leaders of Jesus’ day rejected Jesus because He didn’t fit with their ideas of God and the Bible, does that still happen today? I am sure it does.
So where am I missing the point? Where am I worrying about the bread, and missing the point of it all?
I can’t help thinking that a lot of our thinking about God and church and the gospel is missing the point, but how do we figure it out? This is one reason why I am spending so much of my time focussing on the gospels, and especially Jesus. The more I absorb His life and teaching, the more (I hope) I absorb the truth of His message. Already I am talking a whole lot more about the kingdom than I used to.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, much of my religious packaging has lost its grip on me, but now I am struggling to discern what the heart and substance of the message is. Keep me from throwing out the baby with the bath water. Help me cling to what matters!


  1. What does yeast do that makes it mentioned in this way? A small amount of yeast (~2 teaspoons) can influence a large amount of flour and water mixture (100-150 teaspoons). This can be a good thing, when making yummy delicious bread. Or this growth can be a bad thing, when associated with infections and good health. What is it about the Pharisees that Jesus is comparing to yeast? We are told to be on guard against this yeast. It is suggested that the teaching of the Pharisees is what needed to be watched.

    So today’s lesson means nothing to us, because we do not have Pharisees or Sadducees around any more. And if we did, they would change their title to something like Pastor, or Minister, or Elder, or Small group leader, or church attender. What are we teaching others and believing ourselves that is not correct? This is always a tough question to ask. It is hard to think that what we believe is not real, or the best way. It is hard to move away from a commonly held belief. Everyone knows that the earth is flat. Everyone knows that man did not really land on the moon, but the entire event was filmed in a Hollywood theatre.

    So how do we be on guard for teaching that is not quite right? How about checking it out to see if what we are told conflicts with what we are taught in the Bible? I am not sure that we need to be correct about every detail, but we need to be kind and gracious in our dealings with others. And we need to strive to learn the truth. And there may be several versions of the truth, depending on perspective.

    I pray that as I am influenced by those around me, that I can be on guard against teaching that is not correct. I pray that I may be open to what God would like me to hear, even if it goes against commonly accepted truths.

  2. Observations:
    After they left the crowds they went across the lake but forgot to take bread with them. Jesus warned them about the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees. The disciples were clueless and Christ had to explain what He meant. What influences all what you say and do each day?

    Yeast affects the bread and makes it rise. What is our ‘bread’ and makes us rise. What is through all of me that gives meaning to all I do and say? The main thing must remain the main thing. As Jesus came to serve so I too must serve. Do I have a servant’s heart? Am I like a small child knowing and believing that Jesus is the answer. He is is Bread of Life. Know Jesus. Know God. As the yeast makes the bread rise, I too must rise and give/live the response that Christ is the reason for all the seasons of Life.

    Lord, let Your Word be my Guide this day . Work in me and through me in all I do and say. Let me be Your champion this day. Empower me by Your Spirit today and always – leading me in the Way – the King’s highway.

    Stand up, stand up for Jesus! The trumpet call obey:
    Forth to the mighty conflict, in this His glorious day;
    Ye that are men now serve Him against unnumbered foes;
    Let courage rise with danger, and strength to strength oppose.
    Stand up, stand up for Jesus! Stand in His strength alone,

    The arm of flesh will fail you, ye dare not trust your own;
    Put on the gospel armor, and watching unto prayer,
    Where calls the voice of duty, be never wanting there.

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