what issue is He dealing with in me?

February 13, 2013
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 15:21-28
Jesus leaves the borders of Israel, goes among the Greek/Phoenicians (or Canaanites) near Tyre and Sidon. He is not presently among the ‘lost sheep of Israel’. The disciples do not want to help her, they want to send her away. Even Jesus seems reluctant to help her? Why because she is not from Israel? Does this sound like Jesus?
When we see Jesus with people, He seems to know the right approach for each one. He does not treat each person the same, but responds to them based on their deeper needs or issues. He does not condemn the sinful woman, He uses sharp language about the religious leaders, He enjoys dinner with a tax collector, He reveals the marital complexity of the Samaritan woman’s life, He tells a rich man to give away everything to the poor, He discourages some people from following Him. And here He likens this desperate mother to a dog, compared to the people of Israel (the children). Does this sound like Jesus?
I wonder if context might help us. The people of Tyre and Sidon were a proud people, and they looked down on Jews (as did many people groups). I wonder if the common attitude towards the Jews was that they were like dogs. And maybe Jesus is turning this on the woman, provoking her racial pride and anti-Jewish sentiment. Notice that instead of reacting defensively, she accepts it humbly, out of her desperate need for Jesus’ help. And it is this that Jesus commends, and affirms as faith. Her humility and honesty before this Jewish messiah.
I can’t prove that this is so, but knowing how Jesus handled people, it seems that His response here too fits the situation. He handled her exactly as He needed to, to really help her and bless her.
What do you notice in this passage?
I find myself wondering how Jesus would respond to me? What are my weaknesses, what are my issues, that He would expose and provoke? Would He challenge my weak commitment, my unresolved bitterness, my love of gadgets? This requires that I be honest with myself, what root issues in my life need to be addressed?
Jesus is like a good counsellor, a Wonderful Counsellor, who can see through the fluff and the stuff to the heart beneath it all. What does He see in me, what issue will He deal with in me?
And will I be humble enough, and desperate enough, to admit it and deal with it? When Jesus challenged the religiuous leaders, their hearts slammed shut and they rejected Him. Here this woman opens her heart humbly, and receives God’s gracious blessing.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?

One Comment

  1. The verse that stuck out to me was “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel” This is not the first time that this was brought up by Jesus. Earlier, we read that Jesus sent the disciples out two by two, but only to the lost sheep of Israel. This is hard to understand. Does God show favouritism? Why does he choose some and not all? This woman was blessed because of her persistence, and we read later in Romans that God blesses the Gentiles, and all nations, but in today’s story we do not get this message. If I were to open the Bible for the first time, and read this story, I am not sure how I would feel about the inclusiveness of this religion.

    So what is the answer? I know that many stories throughout the Bible, that God has worked through outsiders to further his kingdom. Non Jews play a big role in the lineage of Jesus, and in the Old Testament stories. We are also told that through Abraham, God will bless all nations. So I have to believe that God is a God of Israel, but also my God. I do believe that God will continue to love and protect the people and the nation of Israel. We should do our part to love and protect them as well.

    I pray that I can receive the love and kingdom blessings of God, as a son of God. I pray that I can be a blessing as well to others. Help me to look for Jesus in everyday life, helping and caring for others.

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