Jesus digs into the heart

February 12, 2013
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 15:12-20
The religious leaders are upset, and though the disciples are concerned, Jesus is not.
It is interesting to observe the different ways Jesus deals with people, based it seems on their particular situation. He is gentle with the woman caught in adultery, firm with the rich young ruler, angry with the religious leaders, frustrated with the disciples, kind to children and their families… and tough on a Canaanite woman desperate for her daughter (see tomorrow’s reading/reflection).
Jesus shows where God’s real concern lies, not with religious ritual or tradition, but with matters of the heart. Our sin is the fruit of our heart condition, this is where the problem lies, this is what God is dealing with through Jesus.
What do you notice in this passage?
How would Jesus deal with me? Frustration, sympathy, gentleness, firmness, a gentle or stern rebuke, anger? However it was, it would be rooted in love, and it would be necessary… Would I be offended?
Is my focus on the heart, or on the externals – church issues? Am I focusing on other people’s hearts to the neglect of my own? Which sins would I identify as growing from my heart, and what does that reveal about my heart?
You can tell when God is speaking, when what we hear/sense speaks to the heart, either challenging or convicting or comforting. This is God’s priority, to deal with my own heart life. Pay attention to that inner sense, that inner voice, that stirring of longing or guilt or emptiness or hopefulness, etc.
When Jesus gets personal, it might feel offensive and we might want to be defensive. But Jesus is proving a sensitive wound, a weak spot, on purpose, so He can deal with it. Will I let Him? What sensitive spot is He touching?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I spend so much time dealing with churchy, religious stuff, am I so dull too? Today You are pushing me to look into my heart, and to listen to what You have to say. May I not be offended and push You away.


  1. Jesus offended those he talked to. In fact, it was this repeated offence that ultimately lead to his death. It was like throwing stones at a hornets nest. The religious of the day were not happy with the response of Jesus when they challenged him. Jesus was a religious teacher, but what he said had popular appeal and was not something that these people had heard. And he spoke in parables. The people of his day did not know what he meant, and I think that today, we miss the point of what he meant in many cases. On occasion he explains a parable, but many are unanswered. Yet we take a parable, and turn it into the basis of our theology. What does “every plant that is not planted by my father will be pulled up by the roots” mean? This could be used as a basis for predestination perhaps. Or is this a story about what happens to those who are not chosen? And what of Jesus advise about these people “Leave them.”? Are we to not associate with those that are not choses? These few verses leave me with lots of questions. And many people can claim that this is what it means, but what does it really mean? What was the intent?

    The explanation of evil coming from the heart of a person is easier to understand. I pray that I can think on things that are pure and right and noble. I pray that I can show God’s grace, while not worrying about offending others. I pray that I can find a balance where I am not offending others for the sake of being obnoxious, which is very easy for me to be.

  2. Observations:
    The Pharisees were called blind guides. Those who were in the position of religious leadership were not leading in the Way but their way. They would fall into their own holes they dug leading their followers with them.
    The non-washing of hands, the eating of food does not ‘unclean’ the person. Food in. Food out. That’s a natural law. Wash hands clean and they wont be clean very long. Superficial. But from the heart come the issues of life. The heart gives life to the whole body physically but also the ‘heart’ of one’s being affects all one’s doing – speech, thoughts actions. From the heart comes the head(thoughts) come the hands(actions). The fruit is a matter of the heart.

    Where’s my heart at? Do I look at myself as I look at others? Am I critical of self? Self-examination. How does God see me and what does He say to me? Am I a blind guide? Am I open enough to be able to say and see – Self, How are you serving the Lord this day with heart, and head and hands? May I never be offended but always have a soft heart so that the Lord continues to fashion me and mould me into what He wants me to be – a ‘kid’ under construction.

    Make me an instrument of your peace O Lord.

    Kids under construction –
    Maybe the paint is still wet.
    Kids under construction –
    The Lord may not be finished yet.

    We’re more than just accidents without the cause;
    We’re more than just bodies and brains.
    God made us on purpose; we’re part of a plan.
    He cares and He knows us by name.


    Now, mister, I know that I get in your way;
    I’m noisy and just bug you so.
    But there’s lots of questions I just have to ask
    If I’m ever going to know.


    Dear Jesus, please make me more patient and kind,
    And help us to be more like You.
    And make room for all other children of Yours,
    For they are still growing up, too.

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