Mere religionianity

February 11, 2013
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 15:1-11
Jesus is challenged and accused of disobeying God because He does not obey the ‘church rules’ (tradition of the elders). Jesus turns this against them and says that they actually disobey God with all their rules. He cites an example.
Their concern for purity (washing hands) is not dealing with the real problem, their hearts – the real source of evil. It is not dirty hands that is the problem, but dirty mouths, which are the result of dirty hearts.
All their religious extras designed to improve their standing with God actually stand between them and God.
Whether the religious leaders began following the rules with sincerity, those rules had taken God’s place in their devotion. The discipline of prayer (for example) becomes the empty ritual of prayer; eager church attendance becomes a meaningless habit.
What do you notice in this passage?
Is it possible for good-hearted people to become so distracted by their religious duties that they totally miss the point of them? Is it possible that we as churches or as church leaders, or me as a pastor, can actually be misleading people from God?
Do our religious extras actually get in the way, good things (at one time?) that becomes barriers: rules re. Sunday observance, dressing for church, church buildings, forms of baptism, church order, ordination, theological viewpoints… I can think of lots of examples, which have devolved into missing the point.
Rules are usually put in place to help, but sooner or later they become a problem. The pendulum seems to be swinging in the opposite direction, no rules? How do we use disciplines, practices and boundaries (we need them), without becoming enslaved to them.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
God, it bothers me that church and church leaders can actually end up hindering people from You. Show me where and how I am doing this.


  1. See? I don’t have to wash my hands if I don’t want to. It says so in the Bible. Why did Jesus have so much trouble with organized church? Why had church become such a burden to people? Why is this so today? We sometimes love to have a great argument, and then call it a discussion. However, people’s feelings are hurt, people look at people differently if they think differently than mainstream, and some people just shake their head and give up. This may be the best way to handle many religious discussions. I don’t think that you can argue anyone into the kingdom. You can, however, show them the love of Jesus, and be his hands and feet. You can shovel snow for others, bring in their blue bins, or stop to chat with people who are out for a walk. And you can help aging parents. These verses really speak to me where I am at this week. If I have a heart for God, I will be able to see and fill needs around me. This is kingdom living. Just be, and do, and as I do this, I feel God’s love flowing through me to help others.

    What comes out of a man’s mouth makes him unclean. Think before you speak. I often say stuff to fill the silence, but regret what is said. I need to think, and know that what I say shows what is inside of me. When I am speaking unkindly, or gossiping, or arguing, then I am causing trouble to those around me and to myself.

    I pray that as I go about my business today, that I can see opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus. I pray that what comes out of my mouth is uplifting and helpful. I pray that the kingdom that is being created around me is one of blessing and comfort.

  2. Observations:
    Rules and traditions.
    The Jews had to wash heir hands before eating no matter where they were. The disciples didn’t. A stumbling block for some.
    The people were to honor their parents but some put that off since they did their ‘churchly things’ and that was OK with the religious leaders of the day. Rules to fit their own agendas and not the Word of the Lord.

    I clearly remember the rules for ‘Sonday’ observance when growing up – no bike riding, no beach, no knitting, no shopping including restaurants, no dancing, no shows, etc and today many of these rules which were hard and fast have disappeared. Some of the rules because stumbling blocks for the people – away from God.
    And today, what traditions or man made rules do I place upon others that keep them from serving Him. It is what is on the inside what counts. What rules enable me, others to live better lives of service. What traditions help me to walk in His way day by day?

    May the rules I have be according to Your Word OH Lord that I am a stepping stone to all those around me. May the traditions, the rules You have given all lead us for a closer walk with You.

    O for a closer walk with God,
    A calm and heavenly frame,
    A light to shine upon the road
    That leads me to the Lamb!
    Where is the blessedness I knew,
    When first I saw the Lord?
    Where is the soul refreshing view
    Of Jesus and His Word?

    What peaceful hours I once enjoyed!
    How sweet their memory still!
    But they have left an aching void
    The world can never fill.

    Return, O holy Dove, return,
    Sweet messenger of rest!
    I hate the sins that made Thee mourn
    And drove Thee from my breast.

    The dearest idol I have known,
    Whate’er that idol be
    Help me to tear it from Thy throne,
    And worship only Thee.

    So shall my walk be close with God,
    Calm and serene my frame;
    So purer light shall mark the road
    That leads me to the Lamb.

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