One Comment

  1. Observations:
    The census of those who could serve as soldiers in the army and those who would serve in the ‘army of the Lord’ – the Levites.
    Specific instructions were also given where each was to camp around the tent of meeting – their assignment.
    The people set totally apart for the service of the Lord – the Levites and their responsibilities.
    The refrain – as the Lord commanded or as he was commanded by the Word of the Lord is a refrain found throughout the reading.
    The Lord’s blessing upon the people was the end of the reading.

    The counting reminds me of the counting of God’s people in service today and forever. The people had specific tasks of service and so today, God’s people are also numbered and still have the tasks for service – to live for Him – according to what the Lord had commanded. Do this and live. Do this and I will bless you. Live every day as a day of the Lord and He will be with you – always and that is a long, long time.

    Thank You Lord for Your Word for Life. Help me to live for You each day as You have commanded. help me this day to serve You well for Today God Is First (TGIF).

    This is the day(2)
    That the lord has made(2)
    We will rejoice(2)
    And be glad in it(2)
    This is the day that the lord has made
    We will rejoice and be glad in it…
    Take and receive
    Take and receive O lord my liberty
    Take all my will my mind my memory
    Do thou direct and govern all and sway
    Do what thou wilt, command and I obey
    Only thy grace and love on me bestow
    Possessing these all riches I forego
    All things I hold and all I own are thine
    Thine was the gift to thee I all resign
    Do thou direct and govern all and sway
    Do what thou wilt, command and I obey

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