The logic of the Logos

February 7, 2013
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 14:22-36
Here we have another miracle that causes many to question and doubt. Sensible people have decided that it is obviously not real. I have to admit that this story defies logic, it is impossible for anyone to walk on water. In addition, many cultures have myths about similar miracles… why should this one be true?
Several responses. First, do the other stories have to be false, could it be that other miracles like this have occurred elsewhere, assuming that God is at work all over the world, all through history? Maybe such miracles are more common than we realize.
Second, this is God we are talking about. If we admit the possibility of God, then the possibility of other super-natural occurrences is not out of the question. And how can we require Jesus the logos (John 1:1) to submit to logic, (derived from the Greek logos) when He is it’s designer.
Third, maybe it is more natural than we understand. Every age has its list of impossibilities, only to be overcome by deeper, newer discoveries. Maybe we have yet to discover things about the universe that God Himself designed that we do not know of. If yesterday’s miraculous is today’s science, what about today’s miraculous?
What do you notice in this passage?
If there is no God, if Jesus was just a human, and if the rational, logical world as we know it today is all that is or can be true, then this story is pure nonsense. Granted, I cannot prove any of this… but can those who deny it prove there is no God, or that what we know today is all there is to know?
”Only that which is rational, logical and scientifically true is really true.” To which I say, prove it. This is unprovable, science cannot verify, logic cannot settle it.
But what is the point? Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.” (Matthew 14:33) Jesus’ is not performing magic tricks to impress His followers, He is convincing them that He is the promised Messiah, preparing them to be His witnesses, to get the good news out there.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I cannot prove anything, but taking it all in, hearing what You said and seeing what You did, and are still doing, I worship You, You are the One!


  1. Why walk on water? Like yesterday’s miracle of feeding a crowd, today’s miracle also seems to be a lesson, rather than a moment of helping mankind. The disciples contained professionals when it came to boating. Although there were some choppy waves, they were doing fine out on the water, and would have landed eventually. So then this was to show that Jesus had the power to act outside of the natural laws and physics as we know it. It was also to teach the disciples and Peter to trust him. And maybe it was just fun for him to go for a stroll on the water. I wonder if the disciples and Jesus had a good laugh once he was in the boat with them. They did acknowledge him as the Son of God. I wonder what this looked like to them. Did they understand what this meant? Did there theology even have a Son of God in it? Or would they have thought of Jesus as God coming to earth?

    Hanging out with Jesus sure would have been exciting. Nothing boring here. We notice that prior to Jesus stroll out on the water that he spent time alone to pray. We read this a fair bit about Jesus, but we tend to gloss over this to get to the exiting parts with the miracles or parables. Did Jesus encourage his followers to do this as well? We are not told this, but just the fact that the writers of the gospels mention this about Jesus means that this is important. We are not told that he stopped to eat, or to sleep, but the pray part is mentioned. He went to be alone. Most of us, myself included, do everything we can to not be alone. We need to be in community, and hanging out alone is hard to do. I would normally look for some entertainment device (book, tv, computer, etc) rather than be alone in my thoughts. And praying is a tough practice for me. I need to emulate Jesus more in this regard.

    I pray that I can take the knowledge that Jesus is the Son of God, and learn to be more like him. I can start by trying to spend time in quiet, thinking on his kingdom, and praying to him.

  2. Observations:
    Christ set time to be alone with God.
    In all situations, in all of life, the good and the bad, the happy and the sad, in the joys and the struggles, Jesus is there if we have the eyes to see. And He shows His power if we but keep our eyes on Him and not on our struggles, difficulties or our own powers.
    Reaching the other side , the people recognized Him and he showed all His power and His healing force. Touched by God enables.

    Where is God as I travel this day? Do I have the faith – to get out o the boat and walk on water? I am here to serve and in that power, His power, I am empowered. Never fear, Jesus is here. Never doubt but go forward in that amazing power that He has promised. He will never leave nor forsake. But I . . . I need His helping hand to guide me along he way. He is my Enabler.

    I need Thee every hour Lord to do my daily task. Strengthen me and guide me and guard me this day and may I always see that it is YOU who enables and lifts me up to do this day what needs to be done.

    I need Thee every hour,
    Most gracious Lord;
    No tender voice like Thine
    Can peace afford.

    I need Thee, oh, I need Thee;
    Every hour I need Thee;
    Oh, bless me now, my Savior!
    I come to Thee.

    I need Thee every hour,
    Stay Thou near by;
    Temptations lose their power
    When Thou art nigh.

    I need Thee every hour,
    In joy or pain;
    Come quickly and abide,
    or life is vain.

    I need Thee every hour,
    Teach me Thy will;
    And Thy rich promises
    In me fulfill.

    I need Thee every hour,
    Most Holy One;
    Oh, make me Thine indeed,
    Thou blessed Son.

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