One Comment

  1. Observations:
    Moses installed Aaron and his sons as the Lord had commanded – in a very special ceremony. Their ordination. After that there were the sin, the burnt and the grain/fellowship offerings for the people and the people fell face down. They worshipped their God. Following the rituals God commanded was for LIFE as was seen by the death of Nadab and Abihu.
    The description of the clean and unclean animals remind me of the command of the tree in the garden – Do this and live. Obey. These rules certainly made the people separate from those living around them.
    Remember Miriam’s leprosy? There is a whole ritual described in determining sin diseases – whether skin deep or more – and how to become clean. This shows how we are covered with sin and how we can become clean only the the washing by the blood of Christ. We are made clean by Him.
    Leprosy of the people or of the clothes or of the house is the symbolism of the sin that reigns and how it must be overcome. Get rid of it.

    The refrain – as the Lord commanded Moses – shows the importance to do what the Lord tells His people through His Word. The many regulations once again shows that God was very specific with the people’s lives as to how to live in His presence. Choices must be made by the people. Choose life and not death. Just as Adam and Eve chose so we need to make the right decisions – decisions that give LIFE and not death. And it is only through the blood of the Lamb that the atonement can be made – we are made clean from our leprosy only through the blood of Christ. And being made clean, I must live each day as a day of the Lord. I need to live for Jesus and that must be shown by my daily living by how I dress and how I live – my house.

    I am reminded of the words of Joshua – but as for me and my house, we will serve the living God.

    Help me to live for Jesus this day Lord so I walk in Your SonLight in all I do and say.

    I serve a risen Savior
    He’s in the world today.
    I know that He is living,
    Whatever men may say.
    I see His hand of mercy;
    I hear His voice of cheer;
    And just the time I need Him
    He’s always near.
    He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today!
    He walks with me and talks with me along life’s narrow way.
    He lives, He lives, salvation to impart!
    You ask me how I know He lives?
    He lives within my heart.
    In all the world around me
    I see His loving care,
    And though my heart grows weary,
    I never will despair;
    I know that He is leading,
    Through all the stormy blast;
    The day of His appearing
    Will come at last.
    Rejoice, rejoice, O Christian,
    Lift up your voice and sing
    Eternal hallelujahs
    To Jesus Christ the King!
    The Hope of all who seek Him,
    The Help of all who find,
    None other is so loving,
    So good and kind.

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