am I open to seeing the evidence?

January 15, 2013
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 12:38-42
People want proof before they believe something, yet often even proof will not convince them. In order to accept something as proof, there needs to be an openness to the evidence. Jesus had performed countless miracles, yet here the religious leaders demand proof. Jesus is not reluctant to give proof, but He realizes these guys really don’t want to believe.
This is why He calls them a “wicked and adulterous generation”, He knows their hearts, He knows they are plotting to kill Him, He knows that they do not believe Him. He reinforces His point by comparing them to the Ninevites in Jonah’s day, or the Queen of Sheba in Solomon’s day, who responded with faith on even less evidence that these religious leaders had. On Judgment Day those people will look at the religious leaders and say, what were you thinking, how much more proof did you need?
Just a comment on “three days and three nights”. This was a Jewish colloquialism (a figure of speech familiar in a specific time or culture) for expressing three days, not literally 72hrs (see also Genesis 7:4, Exodus 24:18, Jonah 1:17, Job 2:13, 1 Samuel 30:12, 1 Kings 19:8, Matthew 4:2). From Friday to Sunday fits within this non-literal meaning. A modern day example of a non-literal saying relating to time is to say that something happens once in a blue moon; can you imagine future generations studying the concept of a blue moon (a second full moon in a single calendar month, which happens every two to three years) and arguing that a statement from today meant it literally. The actual meaning of the expression is ‘rarely’ or ‘infrequently’.
What do you notice in this passage?

People get all worked up about “three days and three nights” or about how Jonah could possibly survive in the belly of a whale, yet they ignore the point. If you are closed to something, you will not believe it no matter how much proof is given. I have known situations like this: someone was wronged, and the person who committed the offense was genuinely sorry, but the wronged person was so upset and bitter that they refused to believe the person’s attempts at apologizing.
I personally have a hard time imagining or believing that a person could survive in a whale for three days, let alone 3 hours; or that someone can be raised from the dead, or walk on water, or heal the blind with spit and mud. Humanly speaking, these are not logical, not possible. But I am open to the possibility of a God that could do these things.
To me, Jesus’ message speaks for itself, all the other stuff is like icing, decoration. How He lived, how He died, what He said, what He did, this is enough for me to say like Thomas, “My Lord and my God!” (John 20:28).
There is more than enough proof (God is revealed in creation, Jesus’ message and life speak loud and clear, and the Spirit is working within us urging us to repent and believe), but if we refuse to respond, then we too will hear the Ninevites and the Queen of Sheba say, what were you thinking, how much more proof did you need?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?

Lord, I have many questions, and even doubts at times. But what You say speaks to (and cuts to) my heart. I know my desperate condition and my need for You. I believe, help me in my unbelief!


  1. Jesus was performing miracles as part of his ministry. He would heal those who came to him, and set people free from demons. But when the Pharisees and teachers of the law asked for a miracle, Jesus denied the request. Their motives were wrong. He tells them that a wicked and adulterous generation asks for a sign. Does our generation look for a sign? Do we want to see a miracle before we will believe in Jesus? Is that how Jesus convinces people to follow Him?

    It is interesting how Jesus ties in to the historical details of the Old Testament. Jesus takes for fact that the Jonah story happened, and that the Queen of Sheba came to see Solomon. This shows that the old and new testaments are connected to the story of God’s plan for mankind.

    Jesus makes some claims here that are quite something. He claims to be greater than a great prophet of old, Jonah. He then goes on to claim that he is greater than the wisest and richest and very successful King Solomon. As C.S. Lewis states, “ A man who was merely a man, and said the things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic…or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice… You can shut Him up for a fool, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a demon, or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about his being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to.”

    I pray that I can understand the claims that Jesus is making. I pray that I can call Him my Lord and my God.

  2. Observations:
    The Pharisees and the teachers of the law, those who were supposed to be close yo God, weren’t. They wanted a sign and yet the sign were all about them. They did not believe.
    The sign of Jonah was Christ Himself and the people repented.
    The queen of Sheba did not believe all the stories about Solomon, until she saw with her own eyes.
    They believed with much less evidence that what the religious leaders had seen. Their hearts were hardened and they were not willing to see all what the Lord was doing.

    Eyes Wide Open is Dekker’s latest book. How does one see oneself? I need Biblical glasses so that I can see clearly. But the religious leaders were blinded by their own vision, their own importance, the own role in the world. Blinded. Not seeing the barriers, holes or their own wayward thoughts. They weren’t using the real Light to light their way but their own lanterns to light their way. God has said that they is more than enough to read Him in the creation if we but see. Just like Adam and Eve, Abraham, Jonah, the Queen of Sheba, Thomas, . . . we need to see and respond. And the response can be but one way – My Lord and my God!

    Open my eyes Lord that I may see You also today . Lead me and Guide me always. Mould me as You will for Your service.

    The light of God is falling,
    Upon life’s common way;
    The Master’s voice is calling,
    “Come, walk with Me today”;
    No duty can seem lowly
    To him who lives with Thee,
    And all of life grows holy,
    O Christ of Galilee!

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