dealing with rejection

December 18, 2012
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 10:9-15

1. Disciples are told to travel light, to keep their mission simple. They will get what they need along the way. I do think the more stuff we carry around, the more hindered we are in kingdom work. How much of our time, energy and resources is tied up in keeping our ‘stuff’ maintained.
2. Jesus is speaking of middle-eastern culture, which has a strong hospitality focus. It is very unusual for no one in a community to welcome travellers as they pass through. It is typical for strangers to be welcomed and honoured, and Jesus tells the disciples to share the blessing of peace with those worthy hosts.
3. But what if a whole town rejects them? In that unlikely case, just leave. To shake the dust off your feet can mean: (1) Clean your own feet because your hosts did not, a reminder of how they failed in common courtesy. (2) Washing yourself of responsibility for their refusal to welcome you. Even Sodom and Gomorrah, very wicked places at the time, welcomed the strangers through Lot. The “more bearable” is not about God’s revenge, but the peoples’ remorse once they realize what they missed out on.
What do you notice in this passage?

1. Travel light, keep life simple. Don’t get so consumed by possessions and things that you are distracted or weighed down if God wants us to do something/go somewhere. Having moved many times in ministry, I can appreciate the value of travelling light. I sense the Lord probing me and my possessions, my stuff, and whether I am distracted and weighed down. Its not that having things is bad, but in light of our mission and purpose, are they all beneficial (1 Corinthians 10:23-24)?
2. I do not like rejection, I do not like it when people look at me funny because of my beliefs. I will stay silent sometimes rather than face peoples negative response. Sure, I may save myself from that rejection, but how many positive opportunities do I miss out on? Some of those people who I thought would respond negatively may have been primed and ready, that God had set me up for… and I missed a huge God-moment.
3. What is an equivalent of ‘shaking the dust’? If I enter a house, and the host does not offer to take my jacket, just do it myself. Be kind and respectful, and move on. If they’re not ready to hear the message, love them and leave them for now… there is always another day. Don’t curse or mock or judge them, leave them to God’s timing. Compare this to how James and John wanted deal with a Samaritan village that did not welcome them (Luke 9:51-56).
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?

God, help me to focus less on possible rejection, and more on possible God-moments. Help me to see every encounter as an opportunity from You to share to show Your goodness and blessing. Help me even to bless those who reject me.


  1. The disciples were sent out to the neighbouring towns. They travelled light, not even taking cash with them. No gold, silver, or copper, (Loonies, quarters, or pennies). They did not even take an extra coat with them. This was a case of trusting God for their daily living requirements. We tend to look past this part of the going out, but this may have been quite unnerving for some of them. I know that I do not like to be somewhere where I need to depend on the kindness of strangers for my needs. I would rather be self sufficient. I think that is how our culture operates. In days gone by, we would think nothing of knocking on a neighbours door, actually forget the knocking, just walk right in, and ask for a cup of sugar for a current baking need. Now we go to the store when we run short, and we miss out on that interaction.

    Shaking the dust off your feet when you are not accepted. Jesus is giving the disciples a responsibility and power, which he will back up on the day of judgement. This is quite hard to believe, that the disciples acceptance would affect the town on judgement day.

    Lots of animals mentioned in a metaphorical way. Be like sheep among wolves. How would a sheep act in the presence of a wolf? Be as shrewd as a snake and as innocent as doves. In none of this do we see an example of being pushy or loud and obnoxious for the kingdom.

    I pray that I can learn to find out more about community, how I can be inviting to others, and how I can respond when others are listening or inviting.

  2. Observations:
    Travel light. Take only what you really need.
    Hospitality was the order of the day. People would open their houses to the stranger – certainly to a messenger of God.
    Hear ‘His Voice.’ But if not, leave the place and continue the mission.

    I too need to travel light. All too often we spend the first part of our lives gathering ‘into our barns’ and the latter part using that for our ‘retirement.’ My focus needs to be on hearing and doing what He tells me – His Voice. A willing worker sharing the Good News. Working in the kingdom. Having the upward look and not the downward look because one gets discouraged easily and readily. It is not want my hands have done . . but what God can do. I must leave it up to Him and go about His business. It is He who gives the increase as I continue to plant, to water but can’t cause it to root or grow.
    Listen. I need to listen to His voice as I desire others to listen to that same voice. Open our hearts Lord that we may see You.
    As You gifted mankind with the Gift of Life, help me to be a ‘gift’ to share the real One and only Gift – Life Eternal.

    Lord, provide the joy and the strength that we need for our journey. May we always have our hand in Yours so that we do not stray.

    1. God gives His people strength.
    If we believe in His way, He’s swift to repay
    All those who bear the burden of the day
    God gives His people strength.

    2. God gives His people hope
    If we but trust in His word, our prayers are always heard
    He warmly welcomes anyone who’s erred.
    God gives His people hope.

    3. God gives His people love
    If we but open wide our hearts, He’s sure to do His part
    He’s always the first to make a start.
    God gives His people love.

    4. God gives His people peace.
    When sorrow fills us to the brim, and courage grows dim
    He lays to rest our restlessness in Him.
    God gives His people peace.

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