open or closed?

December 12, 2012
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 9:27-34

1. This passage highlights the importance of faith. Same as yesterday (re. desperate faith), I think we misunderstand faith. It was not that these blind or demon-possessed people had a solid understanding of ‘the faith’, but their hearts were open to Jesus, even though they probably had many questions and doubts. In contrast the Pharisees’ hearts are closed to Him, and say that He is working for Satan. They saw Jesus as a fake, a mere human, therefore they rejected His miracles. People today have the same closed response to Jesus, and therefore do not believe, cannot accept Him.
2. Once again the connection between faith (‘do you believe I can do this’, ‘according to your faith let it be done to you’) and healing is made. Many people have struggled with this, thinking that they were not healed because they lacked faith. I think context is important, there was a realistic expectation for healing because Jesus was healing people regularly, at that particular moment, as a sign of His identity.
3. Don’t tell anyone? Why was Jesus trying to keep things quiet? Compare this to how many so-called healers draw attention to their healing? Why did Jesus avoid the crowds, while healers today set up tents and send out flyers? Jesus knew how people would get sidetracked by the miracles, and miss the point. He also knew that the more attention He drew, the harder it would be to fulfill His task from God.
What do you notice in this passage?

1. In regards to miracles, I am not sure how open I am to God performing miracles threw me, or for me. I believe God can, I am just not sure that He always will. Does this mean lack of faith? I have prayed for healing, and I have seen people healed (not miraculously but naturally, which can still be seen as miraculous if we see God’s hand in it).
2. I know that my heart is open to God, even if my faith is weak. I am like a cancer patient with his doctor – afraid, uncertain, hopeful yet doubting, but allowing myself to trust the doctor and her prescription for healing. This is not being gullible (how some people would describe faith in God) but being humble. My job is not to make miracles happen by my faith, but to come to God with an open heart, bringing my crises and struggles and hopes and doubts to Him, coming just as I am in humble honesty. This is the kind of faith that God desires, the kind of faith that God works through. I pray, and leave the results to God.
3. I cannot convince people to believe, if their hearts are closed no amount of persuasion or pressure will help. When working with someone who is closed, I need to focus on praying for the Lord to open their hearts (Acts 16:14). Like the Pharisees, these people will not even believe miracles, they will always find an excuse to deny it.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?

Lord, my heart remains open to You, thank You for opening my heart. I do pray that you would open the hearts of some people I know, who remain closed to You. Help them to see that it is not for lack of proof, but for lack of openness to the proof that they cannot see You.


  1. Today we read that before Jesus healed the two blind men, he asked them if they believed he could do this. They had been following Jesus crying out for mercy. Jesus healed them, saying that they were healed according to their faith, their belief that Jesus could heal them. Then Jesus told the men not to tell anyone. It even is mentioned that Jesus was stern about this. Why did Jesus not want the wonderful new of his miracles being spread around? These men went out and told everyone they met. I do not know how they could not tell people. This was not just a small thing to them. Being able to see, after not seeing is not something I would be able to keep to myself either.

    Then Jesus freed a man who was possessed by a demon, causing him not to speak. The crowd was amazed. Did people follow Jesus because he was a healer, and of course health is a wonderful thing to strive for? I think that many did, and I think that sometimes people look at Jesus today as a healer. I listen to the prayers that are raised in church on Sundays, and the request are primarily for healing. This is not a bad thing, because Jesus asks us to bring our requests to him.

    I pray that I can bring my requests to Jesus, and I know that he will be there for me.

  2. Observations:
    The blind men followed Him and had expectations, even going indoors. And when they received sight they told one and all – see what the Savior has done!
    The demon possessed man could not speak and therefor could not verbally curse God with words. Yet Christ cured him and the Pharisees did not understand the sign.

    The people were looking for a Redeemer – savior from their oppressors. The blind had heard and believed and followed their hearts. Couldn’t see their way but they were heart driven and thus did really see via their hearts for from there are the issues of life. And who can remain silent when they saw their Redeemer. They ha to proclaim that Christ is alive – as I too must proclaim each day. My Savior lives and I must follow. Their faith gave them their sight. Insight. Open my ‘eyes’ Lord. HeartDriven.
    Can’t speak but still was heart driven was the possessed man. From the heart are the issues of life and they will surface – become visible with words or with actions – word and deed ministry – good or bad – it will all come to light for all to see.
    During this Advent season, Lord, turn my heart towards home and give me singleness of mind and heart as I continue to serve You with deeds and word so that others do see Christ Jesus living in me.

    Open the eyes of the people Lord that they may see you. Soften their heart so that they are receptacles of Your power at work also this day. Continue to mold me and fashion me according to Your will. Help me by Your Spirit – empower me – to see You this day to continue to sing Your praises.

    Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
    I am looking, I am listening
    Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
    Help me to know Your will (repeat)

    The right word to say,
    the best move to make
    Who’s in need of a helping hand
    For Your perfect ways are worthy of praise
    I delight just to do Your plan

    Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
    I am looking, I am listening
    Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
    Help me to know Your will (repeat to beginning)

    Help me to know Your will

    Help me to know Your will

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