worship that reflects reality

December 10, 2012
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 9:14-17

1. John’s disciples can’t figure out why Jesus’ followers do not do the ‘normal’ religious things that every other religious person practices, ie fasting. Jesus shows that fasting in and of itself is not the issue, but the reason for the fast. If it is a time of crisis, fasting is good; but if it is a time of blessing (as when the bridegroom is present), why fast? Religion is not about performing religious duties, but responding to the reality of God.
2. There is a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance (Ecclesiastes 3). Rejoice with those who rejoice, mourn with those who mourn (Romans 12:15). Religion is not disconnected from life, it is a response to how we experience God and life and reality. Religion is not an escape from reality, but an engaging of reality, including God. This also relates to how we worship God, does our expression of worship reflect what is really going on in us, or are we just going through the ‘normal’ religious traditions because that is what everyone else does?
3. Something new is happening, says Jesus. He represents a new reality, and new experience of God, a new ‘testament’ (or covenant or relationship with God). All the old patterns and practices no longer apply in the same way, since God’s “Helper” has finally come. The old testament was a wineskin that served it’s purpose until Jesus came, but now it is obsolete (Hebrews 8:13). It was like a guardian, watching over us until our true parent returns; now that Jesus has come we are no longer under the law (Galatians 3:23-25), no longer using that wineskin.
What do you notice in this passage?

1. I grew up in a tradition that put a lot of emphasis on the OT Law, and many of the ‘practices’ in my faith tradition had their roots in OT teachings. There is nothing wrong with them, if they are an appropriate response to God and life and reality, and not just a religious observance because the Law says so. There is nothing wrong with tithing, as a free response of the heart, but we do not need to tithe because the old wineskin says so. Sabbath observance is good for the soul, but we do not have to set up all kinds of “Sunday” rules (op Zondag????) because the OT wineskin says so.
2. How do we set up our worship gatherings so that the expressions of worship reflect reality? How can our worship be authentic? I think there needs to be time for people to express what is in them, or to remain silent and express nothing at all. We should not clap because others tell us to, but either because we want to or choose to. There needs to be freedom. I do find it hard in larger groups to experience authentic worship, because it is hard to connect to people where they really are at. I also find it hard to be authentic myself as a worship leader, because others are watching me, others are taking their cue from me.
3. If I am really honest about where my experience of God and life and reality is at, how would I express myself to God? Would I fast, would I lament, would I despair, would I rejoice, would I dance, would I sing?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?

Lord, I want to be real, I want my ‘religion’ or faith to be connected to what is really going on in my life. Help me to stop being religious and more and more be real, even if it is not pretty or ‘normal’.


  1. John’s disciples had a question about fasting. It appears that they were following the practice of fasting, while Jesus’ disciples were not. Jesus does not say to them that his followers are correct and the followers of his cousin were wrong. He points out that this is a joyful time for his disciples. What does this tell me about fasting? This is not a how to verse, but rather a when to. Fasting is often done while mourning, or during repentance. This was not the circumstances the disciples of Jesus found themselves in. Also, if fasting is done as a way to draw near to God, and to seek his presence and his will, the disciples could just go and talk to Jesus.

    I am not sure how sewing an unshrunken patch on a garment flows with the previous question. It seems to be off topic. I am not sure what the message of this metaphor is? It seems to follow the next symbol of pouring new wine into new wineskins. Again, this tells me that mixing of two unequal items will not end well. What are these unequal items? Christian and non Christian lifestyles? God’s message of salvation vs the world’s message? Fasting and non fasting practices? Nothing of clarity comes to me from these verses. I understand that you would not sew a new unshrunk patch on an older garment, and I can visualize the problem with fermenting wine bursting old wine skins. But this parable must mean more than sewing lessons, or wine making tips.

    I pray today that God will continue to shed light on this passage. I pray that I will know when to fast and seek God’s presence, and when and how to share his love and goodness with others.

  2. Observations:
    John the Baptist was in prison at this time. His followers and Jesus’ disciples had different values or life-styles – like fasting.
    The disciples had the real Light with them and ‘all was well’ while they were in His company.
    Good judgement – being practical – is needed in daily living or it will cost.

    Following the leader takes different emphasis in the working out of the daily living of one’s faith, but it was the same God all the disciples were serving – whether John’s or Jesus’. Don’t major in minors while serving the same God.
    Be practical in your faith life as in your daily living when mixing the old and the new. Accept the new converts and give them as much as they can bear so they too will be happy in the Lord in their serving rather than being a killjoy.

    Help me Lord in my daily walk with You that I may be a blessing to those around me.

    When we walk with the Lord in the light of His Word,
    What a glory He sheds on our way!
    While we do His good will, He abides with us still,
    And with all who will trust and obey.

    Trust and obey, for there’s no other way
    To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.

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