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  1. Interesting. I have had this video on my mind for a few days … thinking about what he is saying and do I agree? I guess I am not sure exactly which music he is talking about .. since there is SO MUCH contemporary christian music around. I grew up in an Anglican church singing hymns, and some christian folk music — mainly Carey Landry. The song that sticks with me the most is an arrangment of the Lord’s prayer that begins with the cantor singing “Let us pray to God our Father … in the way Jesus taught us to pray” and then the congregation responds by singing the Lord’s prayer. Beautiful. Simple. Lasting. For quite a while I listened to a lot of Christian reggae and rap music because that was the “culture” of the church I attended in my mid twenties. Now I listen to mainly contemporary christian music. I don’t think the style matters as much as the content. Many songs that I listen to, and sing, touch my heart, express what I might say if I were a more eloquent writer, and help me to focus on Jesus when my mind tends to wander elsewhere. Similar to memorizing and speaking specific scriptures, singing certain lyrics reminds me what’s true and what’s important. For example, I tend to worry .. and I find myself coming back to the lyrics “and when we see you, we find strength to face the day, and in your presence all our fears are washed away”. I realize that the speaker in the video isn’t saying that all worship music is bad or “fluffy” … and I agree that love is more than just excitment and the the slow burn of the candle is far more lasting than the initial spark, but I am not sure I see what’s wrong with songs that are specifically about loving Jesus. The reminder of that love relationship is the foundation for our ability to love those around us. When we are focused on love we are not focused on anger, fear, greed, sadness etc. One of my favourite songs to sing during quiet time with God is as follows:
    All I wanna do is love you, all I wanna do is worship you … all I wanna do I lay here .. right at your feet. As I lift my hands toward heaven, let your fire fall down on me .. rekindle the fire within me Lord … once again”.
    In looking around youtube for more on this subject, I was overwhelmed with the arguments about which worship music is okay, or which music is “wrong” or “evil”. My prayer is that christians could spend more time together in simple fellowship, prayer, and worship and stop arguing about which way to worship is “right” or which songs are “right”.

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