heal my mother-in-law too!

November 28, 2012
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 8:14-17

1. Peter is married. His mother-in-law is sick with the fever, and with a word, Jesus heals her. My mother-in-law is sick with cancer, with a word Jesus could heal her. Why some and not others? If we ask today, will Jesus heal. If He does not heal, is it only because our faith is not strong enough? There is no mention of faith here, just a healing. Does healing have to be unnatural to be miraculous? Can medication and chemo be one way that Jesus heals? I have lots of questions surrounding Jesus’ healing miracles.
2. Demon-possession. What did this mean? If someone had seizures, was this considered being possessed? Was mental illness also described as demon-possession? Is demon-possession as common today as it seems to have been then? How does a person become demon-possessed? Because I have dealt with people who were possessed, I do not dispute it (I am a doubter by nature, but these were very real, undeniable experiences). Although I do not see demons behind every corner or in every shadow, I do believe in malevolent spiritual beings intent on distracting, discouraging, defeating and destroying us. Can I prove it, no; have I experienced it, yes. What more can I say than… thank God for Jesus!
3. Matthew refers to Isaiah 53, where the suffering servant (God’s messiah) comes and takes our burden and sickness and trouble from us, enduring them Himself. Through healing and setting people free from bondage, Jesus is showing that He is Who He says He is. His messianic identity and purpose is validated by these powerful signs; they prove that God’s time of redemption is at hand, and that Jesus is the One to do it (see Luke 4:14-20, 7:18-23).
What do you notice in this passage?

1. First of all, do I believe these records of miraculous healings? Yes I do. Because I believe in God and in the spiritual, supernatural realm (as well as angels and demons), I believe that things like ‘miracles’ and healing occur. I believe that there have been many healers throughout history, even among non-christians… because I believe that God is at work among all people. But I also believe that these miracles are not the goal themselves, but signposts pointing to God, and to our need for His help.
2. Second, I do not think we need to live in fear of demons, but we are foolish to deny or ignore them too. C.S.Lewis wisely pointed out that the devil is happy with either extreme – paying too much attention to them, and not enough. When I dealt with one demon situation, I did not try to defeat the demon, I just focused on Jesus. Again and again I repeated Jesus’ Name, while the person writhed and screamed. The demon wanted me to focus on it, but I kept my focus on Jesus. This is what we need to do every day, not giving in to the distractions and discouragements designed to draw us away from God.
3. Third, I keep on praying to God for healing and help, and struggle with God when it doesn’t happen. In the end, I have to trust God, that He knows what He is doing, that there are reasons I do not see or understand, and that one day it will all work out in the best way possible. Healing is God’s job, not mine. My job is to make myself available, to love and serve and do what I can, leaving God’s part to Him.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?

Lord, just a word is all it would take. I will keep on praying, I will keep on trusting. I cannot tell You what to do, or when or how, but I will ask anyone… please heal my mother-in-law, a sign for family and friends that You are real!


  1. I learned something this morning that I had never really thought about before. Jesus came to Peter’s house and healed his mother-in-law. So that means Peter was married, lived in a house and lived a life perhaps not much different than most. The disciples were not a rag tag bunch of men wandering around as homeless people, and following Jesus, much like Robin Hood and his merry men. I don’t know why I hadn’t thought of this before. We hear of Jesus saying that the Son of Man has no place to lay his head. The disciples had a home life. We don’t here too much about this, but it is nice to know.

    Jesus healed all who came to him. It is nice to know that Jesus healed some pretty major diseases (up to and including death), but he also included minor sicknesses. Peter’s mother-in-law had a fever. This possibly would have been gone in a day or two with rest and lots of liquids. But Jesus cared enough to heal her. We read here that Jesus healed ALL who were sick. I find it interesting that everyone who attended was provided for. We read elsewhere that there are many cases where some are healed, or Jesus changed his path to continue his travel, even when people were around who could be healed.

    I pray that I will continue to ask Jesus for healing and help in my life, and for those around me. I need to have the faith that Jesus promised that we would do greater things than he did. I pray that God will keep me safe from evil and that with his Spirit, I can become a blessing to those around me.

  2. Observations:
    Peter was married and yet a minister of the Lord caring for the extended family.
    The mother-in-law was healed immediately – not a gradual getting better.
    The Word must have spread that Jesus was in town because many came to be healed and they were – with a word.
    Jesus bore our sickness and our diseases fulfilling the OT.

    Never stop doing good. Never grow weary of being kind to others. Serve Him and He will take care of the rest.
    Go forward in jesus’ name. That’s the healing Word. It is He who empowers me. Open my eyes Lord so that I may see those miracles happenings this day – fevers leaving, demons driven out – instant wholeness of the body.What a Savior!

    I pray for Jayden’s mom hospitalized with dengue fever in the DR so that the family may continue their ministry. And for Kenny who at times seems to be possessed because the evil one takes over his mind and mouth and behaviour. All is possible in Jesus name. His Word is life giving. Amen and Amen.

    Thy word is a lamp unto my feet
    And a light unto my path.
    Thy word is a lamp unto my feet
    And a light unto my path.

    When I feel afraid,
    And think I’ve lost my way.
    Still, You’re there right beside me.
    Nothing will I fear
    As long as You are near;
    Please be near me to the end.

    Thy word is a lamp unto my feet
    And a light unto my path.
    Thy word is a lamp unto my feet
    And a light unto my path.

    I will not forget
    Your love for me and yet,
    My heart forever is wandering.
    Jesus be my guide,
    And hold me to Your side,
    And I will love you to the end.

    Nothing will I fear
    As long as You are near;
    Please be near me to the end.

    Thy word is a lamp unto my feet
    And a light unto my path.
    Thy word is a lamp unto my feet
    And a light unto my path.
    And a light unto my path.
    You’re the light unto my path.

  3. Jesus is the great Physician. He can heal all. But does it always happen? I was once told I did not have enough faith in God because He was not healing me. This devastated me as I had been praying and trusting Jesus to heal me completely. I knew He could and what a great witness it would be if He restored my health. 27 years later I still trust that Jesus can heal me. I have also learned along the way that He chooses to use different methods to heal and in my case, so far has chosen not to heal me. I struggled with this for many years but came to realize that through it all I have learned to rely on Jesus in a much deeper way. He gives me hope from day to day, sometimes
    hour to hour. And that there is a reason for why these things have happened in my life. Because of dealing with chronic pain and the depression that
    comes with it, I can relate to others experiencing similar situations. I connect
    with those people who are going through what I have been and continue to go
    through and often it just takes a few words and a look into each others eyes
    to gain an instant understanding. And often that’s just what we need,
    someone who really understands what it is we are going through.
    I still struggle with not being healed as I know it would be so easy for Jesus to do. And I struggle with someone in my life who says she ‘claims’ complete healing and then expects me to be healed. She will say things like “you are
    healed” and “you need to claim it”.
    It comes down to what you said in point #3- I keep on praying to God for healing and help and struggle with God when it doesn’t happen. In the end, I trust God, that He knows what He’s doing, that there are reasons I do not see or understand, and that one day it will all work out in the best way possible. Healing is God’s job, not mine. My hope is in You Lord!

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