drifting or deciding!

November 20, 2012
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 7:13-14

1. Jesus says that most people choose the easy path while only few choose the narrow path. This suggests that people are responsible for their choices and final destiny. Hell (destruction) is not first of all God’s revenge for our rejecting Him, but the natural destination at the end of the road we choose. If I choose to drive somewhere, can I blame God when I get there?

2. Many and few. In my experience this seems true, at least for day by day living. The majority of people tend to prefer and choose the easy or convenient or comfortable route. Self-discipline, integrity, moral backbone and commitment to do the right thing seem to waver under pressure. Believing in God, following Jesus, staying true to one’s principles and values, resisting temptation, these are very very hard to choose when pressured otherwise.
What do you notice in this passage?

1. My daily life is made up of multiple decisions, some good and some not so good. Too often I do not conciously choose what I do, but I drift into it, go with the flow of my feelings. But it is still a choice, and it still leads somewhere. If I passively follow the crowd, I will end up wherever they are going. I need to become more aware of where my daily decisions (conscious or unconscious) are leading me… do I want to end up there.
2. To adapt a leadership saying, ‘your life is perfectly designed to produce the results you are experiencing’. In other words, it is my choices that are bringing me to where I am. If I am dissatisfied in my work, if I am feeling overweight, if my relationship with God seems weak or unfulfilling, this is the result of paths I am choosing, choices I am making, conscious or not.
3. I am coming away from this with a sense that I need help. There are subtle patterns in my daily living that are not pointing me in the right direction. There are broad and narrow choices I face every day, yet I often do not see them as so momentous. Do I feel like spending time with God in prayer? I may not consciously refuse to do it, but I do not make time for it, and before I know it, the day is done. I drift into the broad path, but it is still a choice, with an outcome.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?

God, I cannot blame You if I feel like I am drifting. Help me to strengthen my willpower, to exercise my choice muscles, and to do what is good and right through the day, and not just what feels better or easier.


  1. Narrow Gate. This following Jesus sounds hard. Here we are urged to enter the narrow gate vs. the wide gate. What does this mean? Is this talking about our life here and entering heaven? It doesn’t explicitly say this. It is hard from the context to know exactly what is being referred to in these verses. What I get from this is that few people will be on the right path. The majority are living life according to a world view that is popular. We as people tend to often take the path of least resistance. I know that if I have a choice between a highway or back roads to get from point A to point B, I tend to choose the highway, because it is faster. I am sure that this passage is not recommending that I seek narrow roads when traveling by car.

    So practically speaking, how do I choose this small gate and narrow road. I guess I cannot look around for advice on this, and statistically speaking, most people have not found it. Finding a niche group that are different from everyone else can also prove to be wrong. I need to find out what Jesus says, and what the scripture points out to me. I am finding out more and more lately, that it is important to discover this directly, without having someone else tell me what God wants. It is so easy to attend church, group meetings, revivals, etc., to have someone tell me what God is saying. It is harder to discipline myself to reading the Bible and praying. But by doing this, God can speak to me in my situation. Is this the narrow gate? The narrow road that leads to life? How can I be sure that I am on this path?

    I pray that God will show me this narrow gate, and road that leads to life. I pray that God will use me to show others the road to life.

  2. Observations:
    The broad and the narrow gates – and the command to enter through the narrow gate.
    The broad gate has the traffic and leads to death.
    Th narrow gate is the ‘path not taken’ by many but it leads to life.

    Am I going with the flow or am I going against the current. Man’s ways or God’s way? The way of the majority or the minority? Striving or strolling. Commitment or convenience? Jesus dis day that many would seek Him, but would they find Him? On my journey of learning – my pilgrim’s progress – am I determined in my own ways or His ways.
    It is by the grace of God I can continue to share my Treasure that I have found and continue my travels in His SonShine having a sure foundation in His Word. That Word is my guide and it will lead me ‘home’. May all my striving be for Jesus.

    Lead me and guide me each day Lord. Refresh me also this day and may I hear Your voice saying clearly – This is the way. Walk in it!

    1. Teach me Thy way, O Lord, teach me Thy way!
    Thy guiding grace afford, teach me Thy way!
    Help me to walk aright, more by faith, less by sight;
    Lead me with heav’nly light, teach me Thy way!

    2. When I am sad at heart, teach me Thy way!
    When earthly joys depart, teach me Thy way!
    In hours of loneliness, in times of dire distress,
    In failure or success, teach me Thy way!

    3. When doubts and fears arise, teach me Thy way!
    When storms o’erspread the skies, teach me Thy way!
    Shine through the cloud and rain, through sorrow, toil and pain;
    Make Thou my pathway plain, teach me Thy way!

    4. Long as my life shall last, teach me Thy way!
    Where’er my lot be cast, teach me Thy way!
    Until the race is run, until the journey’s done,
    Until the crown is won, teach me Thy way!

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