ask, receive and give

November 19, 2012
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 7:7-12

1. Everyone who asks receives? But ask for what? In light of Matthew 6:25-34, is the ask/seek/knock in reference to God’s kingdom and righteousness, and not food, drink or clothing (what pagans run after)? I have always understood this to refer to asking for what really matters, and not just our latest wish list.

2. Jesus compares God to the best of humanity, been though we are sinful. Just as human parents know how to give their kids what they need, how much more God. Jesus is stressing again the loving goodness of our Father in heaven.
3. The golden rule. Jesus is summarizing everything He has said so far. All of God’s teaching and wisdom boils down to this. I have met people who follow the golden rule as their creed, are they then keeping the Law?
What do you notice in this passage?

1. Jesus simplifies the Law, instead of complicating it like the religious leaders. He boils it down to love, a God that loves us, and wants us to love one another, like Him. I am reminded that I need to be careful not to complicate the message of God and Jesus.
2. What things that matter am I asking for, seeking and knocking on the door for? Or am I just as focused on lesser things as the ‘pagans’ are? How eager am I – and do my prayers reflect that eagerness – for God’s kingdom to be reality in my life, for more of God’s Spirit, for my life to reflect His righteous will?
3. Do I want people to be patient with me when I test their patience? Do I want people to speak well of me to others? Do I want others to encourage me with their words? Do I want people to help me out when I have need of their help? Then, says Jesus to me, do it yourself for others. Sounds like that quote, ‘be the change you want to see!’
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?

God, You are good, You love me, You want the best for my life. I want the best too, what really matters. But not just for myself, for others too. Help me to seek for others what I desire for myself.


  1. Ask, Seek, Knock. This all sounds too easy. Do I not have because I do not ask? I know that God has bless me and my family, but there are areas in which I do not ask, or seek. Sometimes I am afraid of the unknown, so I might not ask. Do I ask what God would have me do? What if I don’t like the answer? But these verses seem to imply that you are asking God, and seeking of Him things that will suit me. I have often prayed for the desire to want more of God in my life. Sometimes the disciplines of reading scripture and praying do not provide me with joy and peace, but can become drudgery, or more likely will become non-existent over time. But I can visualize asking and seeking. What is this knocking? Jesus talks about standing at the door and knocking in Revelation. But what is the door to which I am to knock? I am not sure. It does make a nice metaphor. Of course a door would not open to you if you do not allow others to know you have arrived. Perhaps it means that we should explore different avenues or areas of our lives.

    God wants to give us good gifts. In western culture it is easy to thing material things, but I think that God wants even better than that for us. What good are material things if we have no peace, health, or healthy relationships.

    Here we are given a summary of the law and the prophets. The listeners would have heard it this way: Here is a summary of the Bible. We have complicated a very simple message. If we would treat others the way we wanted to be treated, then we are doing what God wants of us. I need to think of this next time I am in conflict, next time when I ask someone to do something for me, and next time that I am not in a very good mood. I need to remember that it is not always about me.

    I pray that I will never stop asking God, and others for what I need. I pray that I will look and seek for answers to my deepest questions. I thank you God, for the gifts you have given to me and my family. Help me to do to others what I would be happy to have done to me. Help me to treat others with dignity.

  2. Observations:
    Ask – seek – knock so that you receive. This requires striving, effort, drive, persistence, determination and knowledge – who to ask, where to seek and which door to knock so that what we require will be given.

    Earthly fathers spoil their children with gifts but our heavenly Father knows which gifts we need if we but come to Him in prayer.

    ‘The end of the matter is this’ – do to others as you would have them do to you – do good.

    Take it all to the Lord in prayer. Walk with Him. Talk with Him. Search His Word. He is my Father Who knows my name and He knows my deepest desires. He knows what I need so that I can be His Champion walking in the Father’s light. LightShine. SonShine.

    Today God Is First. Lord, be my Guide in all I do and say this day. Help me to see You this day. Let my striving be focussed on serving You. Not my will but Yours be done. Amen.

    Seek ye first the kingdom of God
    And his righteousnes
    And all these things shall be added unto you
    Allelu, alleluia

    Ask and it shall be given unto you,
    Seek and ye shall find,
    Knock and the door shall be opened unto you
    Allelu, alleluia!

    Man shall not live by bread alone
    But by every word
    That proceeds from the mouth of God
    Allelu, alleluia

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