a worthless speck?

November 18, 2012

1. God uses the weak (infants and children) to shame the strong. God’s greatness is not like the world’s conception of greatness, it is opposite. God’s greatness comes from caring for the weak, poor, needy, humbled, oppressed. He exalts the humbled and humbles the exalted. This is what makes God so awesome!
2. When we think about the vastness of creation, the far reaches of the Universe which we will never be able to measure or reach, we realize how small we are. Small, yet not insignificant in God’s eyes. The greatness of God is that He love and honours us, as small as we are.
3. God has designed this world to be ruled by humans, God’s image-bearers. This is the kingdom of God, how God intended this world to operate. Jesus comes as the perfect human to restore God’s kingdom, ie a human in charge of creation (all authority in heaven and on earth, Matthew 28:18). This is either God’s greatest compliment (trusting us to rule creation on His behalf) or God’s greatest mistake (look at the mess we’ve made). Thankfully God is taking steps to make things right.
What do you notice in this passage?

1. I am small, insignificant, a blip on the timeline of the universe, and yet I am not. God knows me, God loves me, God has a purpose for me. I am significant, I have value. Do you see the same for yourself?
2. We are in charge of the universe, I am God’s representative on earth. How am I doing? Are there ways that I am abusing my position, my authority, neglecting God’s creation or God’s children? People see God through me, what do they see?
3. What do people who do not believe in God think about themselves? They are insignificant. Here today, gone tomorrow, never to exist again. A speck of dust. Is it surprising that with the loss of God, people are experiencing a loss of identity, worth, purpose, meaning, reason for living?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?

Lord, You are greater than I know (huge understatement). This Universe is vaster than I can fathom. Yet You know me, love me. May this give me a strong sense of identity, worth, purpose, meaning, and a solid reason for living!

One Comment

  1. Observations:
    The covers for this psalm is{ ‘Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in al the earth!’
    Looking at the heavens the psalmist is amazed that He also cares for man.
    Man’s commission/mandate is to rule what God has given him.
    Praise this great and mighty King.

    Great is the Lord greatly to be praised. I need to be like a child for their praise and trust come readily. Open my eyes Lord that I see Your glory each and every day and make me mindful that I am a worker in your ‘vineyard.’ It is only through Jesus Christ You are mindful of Your people so that they are able to do their God given task. Help me to do mine this day in Your presence.
    Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth. Praise Him all you little children!

    Lord, help me this day to do Your will.

    Praise the Lord
    Praise the Lord
    Let everything that has breath
    Praise the Lord
    From the rising of the sun,
    Until the going down of the same
    Let everything that has breath
    Praise the Lord 😐

    Bless the Lord
    Oh my soul
    And all that is within me
    Bless his Name
    From the rising of the sun,
    Until the going down of the same
    Let everything that has breath
    Praise the Lord

    |: Hallelujah!
    You´re worthy to be praised
    From the rising of the sun,
    Until the going down of the same
    Let everything that has breath
    Praise the Lord 😐

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