who am I to judge?

November 15, 2012
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 7:1-6

1. Yikes, God will judge us the same way we judge others? Is He just trying to scare us away from judging others? Judging fairly is impossible for us, there are so many variables and circumstances, which only God knows. In addition there are our own biases and blind spots. We should not judge, but we should still speak against injustice and cruelty, and resist it. Laws should still be enforced, and justice maintained. But I need to be very careful about criticizing or condemning others from my own limited, biased perspective (which we do all the time).

2. Notice that my sin (the plank) is always a bigger issue to me than your sin (the splinter). But that very same sin to you is your plank. In other words, you focus on addressing your own issues, while I focus on mine. Once we see our own issues, we become more understanding and patient with the failings of others, recognizing that they need mercy just as much as we do.
3. Not sure how dogs and pigs fit in with the previous verses. I think He is warning about putting your nose in other peoples business, giving your opinions and judgments. If you make it your business to judge and criticize others, you are likely to be trampled and torn to pieces (judged) yourself.
What do you notice in this passage?

1. So many people have experienced Jesus followers as judgmental. We are so quick to point out peoples sins and failures. If we think a certain behaviour is a sin, we feel duty bound to point that out to those committing it. What if instead of showing people their sin we would share with people our sin, and model humility and repentance rather than demanding it. God needs to convict the heart, and maybe our honesty and humility will show others the way.
2. Instead of seeing ‘bad’ people as different from me, I need to see myself as one with them, like them in need of God’s mercy and help. Jesus befriended and socialized with ‘sinners’, and was criticized for it. The religious people avoided and criticized ‘sinners’, demanding that they repent. Who are we more like, who am I more like?
3. I sense the Lord challenging me in my preaching and speaking to model the way, not just tell others about it. My testimony is first of all how God has convicted and changed me (amazing grace, how sweet the sound). He has been so gracious and patient and forgiving with me, how can I do any less for others.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?

God, thank You for reminding me about the stacks of lumber in my own life. Help me to see myself like others, and others like me, equally in need of Your mercy and help.


  1. Judging

    Based on my Meyers-Briggs personality test, I am a person who likes to follow the rules. As well I like to ensure that others follow the rules, and if they step out of line, then my personality type will report them to the proper authority. This has never been this black and white for me, however, I do see this taking place in my life. While this has many good sides to it – reliability, responsibility, etc, it also puts me in a position of judging others where others would let it slide. Is this what these verses are speaking of? Are we to see issues that lack in justice and look the other way?

    I believe that even in issues of justice, I need to look inward and ask God if there is anything in me that I need to change. It is easy to see fault all around us, but to stop and listen and to seek real change starts with me. I can get frustrated with others for all sorts of reasons, many of them being like a speck compared to my own plank in these same areas.

    But how to remove the plank? How to even discover the plank? It is helpful to allow God’s truth about myself come by listening to those close to me. Not everything they say is pointing to lumber, sometimes they are pointing to specs, but listening and being willing to change is key for me.

    Does this suggest that we should not judge at all? I think these verses suggest that we will be judged in the same manner that we judge. Wow. I hope that I can judge based on this in a loving caring way. I hope that in my judging, that I can stay away from being critical, harsh and cruel.

    We finish this passage with a thought about throwing pearls before swine, and not giving dogs what is sacred. I am not sure what to do with these verses. Perhaps this means that we should be careful with the sacred message of God’s grace? Who are the swine and dogs referred to here that we need to stay away from? Whom do we fear, lest they attack us?

    I pray that God will give me grace in dealing with others, that I can be compassionate, yet truthful. I also pray that God will allow me to step back and consider my own life, and to make changes as needed.

  2. Observations:
    In the way I judge others I will be judged.
    I can see the dust or the errors or other people more readily than I see my own errors/sins.

    The reading for today reminds me of two items. The Lord’s prayers states to forgive as we have been forgiven – we need to start with ourselves – not others.
    When I point my finger at other people – there is only one finger pointing at others and three pointing back to me and the thumb – it is pointing to heaven. A three to one ratio means once again to start with self and not others and to do it all in the light of God’s presence.
    We are so blind – I am so blind to my own errors! Ouch!

    Lord help me to see me in Your way each day. Open my eyes so I see me as I really am so that I am able to do Your work. Given me 20/20 vision so that I truly can be an instrument of your peace – a peace maker and not a peace breaker.

    Open our eyes, Lord
    We want to see Jesus
    To reach out and touch Him
    And say that we love Him
    Open our ears, Lord
    And help us to listen
    Open our eyes, Lord
    We want to see Jesus
    He paid a debt He did not owe
    I owed a debt I could not pay
    I needed someone to wash my sins away
    And now I sing a brand new song:
    “Amazing grace” (amazing grace)
    Christ Jesus paid the debt that I could never pay

    Open my eyes, Lord
    I want to see Jesus
    To reach out and touch Him
    And say that I love Him
    Open my ears, Lord
    And help me to listen
    Open our eyes, Lord
    We want to see Jesus

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