worrying doesn’t help anyway

November 14, 2012
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 6:25-34

1. Most of this is about why we should not worry. Because God cares for flowers and animals, and you are even more valuable than they are. Because life is more than the the things we usually worry about. Because God knows what you need. Because worrying doesn’t help anyway, doesn’t change your circumstances and only makes you feel worse.

2. Only one verse suggests an alternative: seeking God’s kingdom and righteousness, leaving those other things to God. Don’t focus on what might happen, focus on what needs to happen… namely God’s will and purpose. Focus on what is right and good, and leave the results to God. Makes me think of Martin Luther King’s last speech, even though he was being threatened and was killed the next day, he keeps his focus on God’s will and purpose. He was choosing not to worry, but to seek first God’s kingdom and righteousness.
3. You of little faith. If we kept our focus on God and not on the other things that worry and distract us, maybe out lives would be more fruitful and less fretful. To adapt an old Chinese Proverb, we cannot keep the birds of worry from flying over our heads, but we can keep them from building a nest in our hair. Don’t beat yourself up if you feel worry – we all do – but stop feeding it. Renounce it, refuse it, reject it. Do not worry…
What do you notice in this passage?

1. Easier said than done. It is a battle, those worry birds keep flying over, looking for a place to land. It is so important to talk this battle out loud, to fight fears and doubts and worries out loud, they have their greatest affect when we allow them to brew and stew on the inside, without any release of pressure.
2. What we focus on (God or our worries) is what we are really putting our faith in. We ‘worship’ whatever seems biggest and strongest, and for many of us it is our fears. Satan knows this, and uses them against us, to keep us from focusing on God. I can think of several situations that are worrying me, how will I respond to them? Is it denial to denounce my worries and focus on God, or is spiritual warfare, confronting evil with the truth. God is God, God is good, therefore I will keep on trusting and hoping in Him.
3. For the past few years I have worried about Crossroads closing, and each new ministry season we begin again. I have decided to stop worrying, and to leave those details in God’s hands. My job is to seek His kingdom purpose and live according to His kingdom will. Trust and obey, and leave the rest to Him, He will take care of what we need to succeed. Today again God has shown me how He provides in miraculous ways.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?

God, You are in control, You know what You are doing. I choose to trust You. Into Your hands I entrust my day, my week, my family, my church, my community, my future… They’re not mine anyways.


  1. Worry….has not been a stranger in my life, especially the last year but I am still moving forward, and things are well so it is obvious that worrying is a wasted emotion.
    “To adapt an old Chinese Proverb, we cannot keep the birds of worry from flying over our heads, but we can keep them from building a nest in our hair. Don’t beat yourself up if you feel worry – we all do – but stop feeding it. Renounce it, refuse it, reject it. Do not worry…”
    Made me smile, explains why I have the haircut I do, no chance of a nest up there

  2. Worry

    Yesterday we fretted about the problem of what to do with all out money, today we fret, or are urged not to, about not having enough money. Both issues can bring real problems to our lives. If we are frivolous with our money, and spend more than we make, then we can cause some major problems for ourselves. I don’t think that this is what the “don’t worry” advise is for. I think this is more about worrying about events that may happen in the future. I worry a lot about things that I shouldn’t. (I come by it honestly, as my parents both tend to worry about events beyond their control.) Worry is hard for me to let go. It eats away at me as I try to plan for even the most minute details of my future. And if I am in the middle of a potential conflict, I may as well forget about sleeping, as I review in my mind exactly how I will handle the situation. Sometimes this helps, but mostly the situation never occurs as planned. Don’t Worry. Telling me this doesn’t help. How do I avoid worry? I could try to control the situations in my life. (I do try this) This passage suggests that I “seek first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness” I am not sure how to seek the kingdom of God, but I can grasp a little of seeking his righteousness. I know enough theology to know that I cannot do this on my own, but need to seek his righteousness through grace and the gift of righteousness that Jesus gives me.

    I pray that I will be able to seek His kingdom and righteousness. That I can give my cares and concerns over to Jesus. I pray that I can give over the control of my life and problems to Him and rest in the assurance that my Father in Heaven is interested in taking care of me.

    “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” by Bobby McFerrin I think will be my song for today.

  3. No Worries 🙂

    Our God looks after the birds giving them life yet we worry about our food and clothing.
    Why worry? Look at the flowers of the field and their splendor. He takes care of them.
    Our Father knows our needs. He is our Provider. Serve Him.

    Man spends the first part of his life gathering to provide for his needs and the second part using what he gathered to stay healthy. All the time worrying about the future which he has no power to control. He is not in charge God is.

    Live for Jesus and He will take care of you. He provides for His creatures – always has. Always will. I can’t change my tomorrows but I can live this day to His Glory by His power. He enables. Seek Him. Serve Him. And He will do the rest. I am here for Kingdom service serving my Master.

    I am reminded of the passage in Ecc – fear God. Keep His commands for this is the whole duty if man. And so I walk in His SonShine this day rather than trying to light my own way.

    Thank You Lord for the reminder once again to focus on You in all I say and do. As your servant, I know that You my Master will take care of me today and all my tomorrows. I just need to trust and obey for there is no other way to be happy.

    Seek ye first the kingdom of God
    And His righteousness;
    And all these things shall be added unto you.
    Hallelu, Hallelujah!

    Ask, and it shall be given unto you;
    Seek, and you shall find.
    Knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
    Hallelu, Hallelujah!

    Man shall not live by bread alone,
    But by every word
    That proceeds out from the mouth of God.
    Hallelu, Hallelujah!

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