judgment day

November 11, 2012

1. David feels he is innocent, and being treated unfairly. Anyone who is cruel, unjust, mean deserves to pay for their crimes (even himself, David admits), but the innocent do not deserve it. He pleads with God to step in and punish the wicked, and rescue the innocent.
2. David is confident that God knows the heart (v.9), and that He will step in as judge one day. This is the basis of his prayer, and his hope. One day the wicked will pay for their cruelty, a day of judgment is coming. This leads him to praise God, and to sing about His justice and mercy!
3. There is hope for the true victims of the world. Those who are being abused, neglected, tortured, oppressed, treated unjustly can be sure that one day God will intervene. I do wish God hurried up, and I do wonder why He allows victims to suffer for so long. But I still trust that a day for justice will come. The alternative is that no day for justice will come, that the bad guys will get away with it, and that the innocent suffered and died for nothing, with no hope. Maybe I am a dreamer (with David), but it’s better than the nightmare of no justice!
What do you notice in this passage?

1. It has long bothered me that so many people suffer, and so many others seem to get away with it. When I hear about children suffering – abuse, sex trade – I cringe… God, do something!!! Hmm, I wonder if He is asking me the same thing?
2. God is assuring me that He will do something, that one day those who were victimized and treated unfairly or cruelly will be vindicated, and those who refused to repent and change will pay for their crimes.
3. I am reminded that God’s mercy does not negate God’s justice, that a day of judgment is coming. God knows the heart, He can tell whether we are inwardly humble or haughty, kind or cruel. God wants to see that I hate the damage and pain my selfishness cause, that I genuinely try to resist it.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?


One Comment

  1. Observations:
    David takes refuge is God when his enemies pursue him. He knows that He is right.
    David asks God to be the judge which indicates that David wants God’s help.
    Awake my God – but then he remembers that God never sleeps for the Lord God helps His people every day.
    Give thanks to the Lord for He helps His people every day just look at the examples David gives.

    My God is a mighty God who is always with me at all times and n all situations. Once again, I just need to have the eyes to see and the ears to hear – to see Him lead and guide and to hear His voice saying this is the way, walk in it. God is always there for His people. He never sleeps. He is my Refuge. He is my Help – in times of joy and times of trouble. Thank You Lord.

    Thank You Lord that You are always there. Help me to live this day in praise and thanksliving.

    My God is an awesome God, an awesome God, an awesome God
    My God is an awesome God, Yahweh is His name (modulate)

    My God is a mighty God, a mighty God, a mighty God
    My God is a mighty God, Yahweh is His name (repeat)

    When I call he answers, what I need he gives it to me
    Who else could offer heaven, Father, Son, Holy Ghost, The Holy Trinity
    That’s my God, more that wonderful to me

    There’s nothing that my God can’t do, what He’s done for others, He’ll do for you
    He’s a doctor in the sickroom, lawyer in the courtroom, let him be the healer
    Of our broken heart

    My God is a mighty God, a mighty God, a mighty God
    My God is a mighty God Yahweh is His name

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