do I really want to love like this?

November 5, 2012
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 5:43-48

1. The command to love your neighbour is in Leviticus19:18, but there is no command in the OT Law requiring people to hate their enemies. It may have become part of the teaching of the elders based on the psalms (Psalm 139:21), and certainly seems natural for a people who have been oppressed.

2. If we want to be like God (this is after all how we were created, God’s creation/kingdom ideal), then we need to love unlovable people, and be gracious to all people, good and bad. Everyone (mostly) loves their own people, their family or friends or people who are nice to them. God shows us radical love, Jesus is living prof of love for one’s enemies, and we are the enemies He loved. If we want to be Jesus-followers, this is how we are called to love.
3. Why does Jesus make perfection the goal, it is impossible, out of reach. But as we was before, He is not giving us a goal to reach for ourselves (Law) but showing us how God designed us, and what the kingdom ideal is. Once we realize this, we will know our need for mercy and grace, and reach out to Him for help. We aim for perfection not because we can reach it, but because that is where He is taking us, and it’s where we want to be.
What do you notice in this passage?

1. Not having enemies or persecutors like some people do, I do not want to make it sound easy. Those who have been victimized will have a hard time with this. It takes God in/with us to move in this direction, to even want to try to love and forgive and bless our enemies. It takes knowing our own sin and need for love and mercy. And it also helps to realize that bitterness and unforgiveness itself is a burden to bear, one that enslaves and harms us.
2. I hear the Lord challenging me to love people who I do not like, to be gracious and kind with those who get under my skin, who annoy me. I hear Him challenging me to see others like God sees them, as needy, struggling children of God who need mercy and grace to help them.
3. I also sense the Lord questioning my desire to be perfect (or even just to be better than I am). If I were committed to God’s creation/kingdom ideal for me, would I strive much more than I do? Makes me think of Paul’s intensity (like an athlete determined to win the prize) in 1 Corinthians 9:27. To pray for God’s kingdom and will on earth as it is in heaven is to express the determination to seek it in our own lives, to strive with all His strength in us. Has grace made me lazy? Am I a lazy athlete, could I be disqualified for the prize?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?



  1. “That you may be called sons of your Father in heaven”.
    This is not about being made into children of God (which God freely grants us), but being known (or called) children of God, because of our commitment to be like Him. Just as a Leafs fan (yeah, there are still such people out there) are known by their jerseys, their blue face paint, their cheers and going to (or watching) games, a God fan is known for their trying (imperfectly but sincerely) to be like God. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery (or praise), and people will see/know who it is we are trying to imitate. Obviously the imitation will always pale in comparison to the original, but it can still point people in the right direction.

    If I wanted to be known as a Leaf fan, what would I do?
    If I wanted to be known as a Jesus follower, what would I do?
    If I wanted to be known as a child of God, what would I do?

  2. “Be perfect…” I am trying to think of an analogy that will help. Think of a pro athlete (let’s say basketball because there is a hockey strike), he is in a serious car accident with multiple broken bones. He is told that with surgery, physio-therapy and a lot of perseverance, he will eventually be able to play again, maybe even pro. His goal is to play pro (‘be perfect’) but his reality, especially in the beginning, is not even grade school level. He starts where he is, knows his limitations realizes his present impossibilities, but continues to work at it. With coaching, help, medication, physio, over time he improves. Through it all, he keeps on aiming for pro… Should he aim for less, since he cannot presently reach a pro performance? Or should he aim for what he once was, and with help and perseverance can once again become?

  3. Love for enemies
    In a chapter full of hard sayings, and impossible to do requirements, we end the chapter with some of the harshest. We are told to love our enemies, because anyone can love those who love us. Fair enough, – we should try harder than those who do not believe. But there is a kicker in this passage. I even read past it a few times. “…that you may be called sons of your Father in Heaven.” Well, ok, if this means that if I love my enemies, I may be called a son of my Father in heaven, I start to put my logic in place and come up with “If I don’t love my enemies, then I am not a son of my Father in Heaven.” This of course is impossible. First of all if I loved my enemies, are they still enemies? Can I love everyone? What about those who hate me? Those who try to hurt me or my family? True love is hard.
    The other impossible saying is “Be perfect, therefore, as your Heavenly Father is perfect” It is part of our beliefs that God is perfect, and we are being told to be perfect. Another impossible saying that I am not sure what to do with.
    We are urged to do more than the pagans. I pray that God will give me the grace to accept his righteousness. I thank God for his saving grace, and for being my salvation

  4. Observations:
    And the greatest of these is love – love for God and love for people – all people. Even those who are a pain to you – your unfriended friends or your enemies.

    As God’s favour is upon all people we too need to be like like and love all people of the world just like our Father does like the thief on the cross.

    To love the lovable is easy but to love the unreachable is hard. God wants us, His people, to love those who are thirsty, or hungry or naked or in prison. It is the love of God that makes the world go round and it is the task of His followers, His champions to be instruments of His peace. Knowing the love of God for me, I must show that love to all those around me. I need to be His instrument of peace.


    Help me today Lord to be Your instrument of peace.

    1. Make me a channel of your peace:
    Where there is hatred, let me bring you love;
    Where there is injury, your healing pow’r,
    And where there’s doubt, true faith in you.

    2. Make me a channel of your peace:
    Where there’s despair in life let me bring hope;
    Where there is darkness, – only light,
    And where there’s sadness, ever joy.

    3. O Spirit, grant that I may never seek
    So much to be consolded as to console,
    To be understood as to understand,
    To be loved as to love with all my soul – .

    4. Make me a channel of your peace.
    It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
    In giving to all that we receive,
    And in dying that we’re born to eternal life.

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