kindness to the max!!!

November 1, 2012
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 5:38-42

1. The idea of ‘eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth’ was not original to the Law of Moses (Exodus 21:24, Leviticus 24:20, Deuteronomy 19:21), it was also found in other legal codes of the day (check out the Code of Hammurabi). Also known as lex talionis (law of retaliation), it mandates that the punishment fit the crime. It’s goal is punitive, not restorative; it does not make the world a better place, it only holds back or punishes bad behaviour. Jesus came for restoration, not revenge.

2. Jesus is not describing a legal system or code, He is describing the heart of mercy and the path of healing. Turning the other cheek is itself not the solution either, but it is an attempt to break the cycle of sin and violence. Giving the extra coat, going the extra mile, these are illustrations of how to overcome evil (see Romans 12:17-21). It is leaving justice in God’s hands (Who alone has the right and ability to do it justly), and killing sin with kindness.
3. We like these qualities (generosity, mercy, kindness, forgiveness) in God as He relates to us, we’re just not so sure about our relating to others this way. But this is exactly what Jesus is teaching and modelling. We are called to walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us (Ephesians 5:2). We are even taught to pray forgive us our sins as we forgive others who sin against us. Be as kind, merciful, generous, forgiving, etc. to us as we are to others…
What do you notice in this passage?

1. I know that my kindness has limits. This extreme kind of mercy, the kind that is willing to pay a huge price for someone else’s folly or cruelty, is not in me. I can talk about being kind and forgiving, but I have not gone through what others have – abuse, rape, bullying, being cheated, persecuted, falsely accused.
2. I also struggle with what this means for the abuse or rape victim. What does turning the other cheek and not resisting mean when being abused or raped? Does Jesus expect us to be doormats? My sense is that He is addressing the heart of revenge, a vengeful spirit that looks for a way to make someone pay. The abuser or rapist needs help, and calling the police is one way to do this… not to make them pay but to save them from themselves, as well as future victims.
3. I sense the Lord saying to me to go the extra mile, to give more than what seems right or proper, to help someone even if they do not deserve it. No one is slapping me right now, but there are lots of people who I can be generous to. Imagine what this community would look like if Jesus followers went overboard in generosity. Since non-Christians are also being generous here, what does it mean for us to go even further?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?

Lord, You have shown me what this means, how mercy trumps justice, how kindness kills cruelty. I do not have this kind of mercy or grace in me, so please help me with Your Spirit to move in this direction. Give me an opportunity to go the extra mile today, and help me to walk that path.


  1. There are 2 messages that jump out at me from these verses. One is about retaliation. As in hockey sometimes the best play is to avoid the retaliation penalties, and to get the advantage by having the opposing team take a penalty. In life I find that I generally can overcome a situation better if I become less aggressive, and allow others to take a swipe at me. Of course it takes patience not to argue back, or defend your position, but ultimately submitting is a winning strategy. In customer service, we all expect companies to submit to the complaints of the customer. These verses make great customer service ideals. Give your customers what they want, and even more. But this is also true for personal life. If I live my life with a giving attitude, then God can move through me to bless others.

    I am reminded of how I feel when someone asks to borrow money, and then do not pay it back. I feel angry and foolish for being taken advantage of. Yet, Jesus is telling me not to turn away from those who want to borrow from me. So if anyone needs any money…..

    I pray that I can turn these verses into reality in my life. Although my first inclination is to defend and stand up for myself and family, I pray that I can show the love of Jesus by allowing myself to give where I can, even if I am taken advantage of.

  2. Christ is first. As far as it depends upon me, live at peace with all mankind. We are here to serve. We are here for Jesus. And we are not here for personal gain. We are on a journey to reach our destination and while we journey we serve our King. Our actions, our doings, must be accomplished in JOY – Jesus – Others – Yourself. That must be lived in word and deed. Always do the Jesus way and not man’s way. The joy may not be in the journey but the destination. We must be the salt and the light for the world today.

    Lord I want to be a Christian
    in my heart, in my heart
    Lord I want to be a Christian, in my heart.
    In my heart, In my heart,
    Lord I want to be a Christian,
    In my heart.
    Lord I want to be like Jesus..
    Lord I want to love my neighbor..

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