waiting expectantly

October 28, 2012

1. David is confident that the Lord is on the side of those that do good, while He is opposed to those who are wicked, cruel deceitful. Is he referring to the heart (all of us have sinful, deceitful hearts) or to the lifestyle (not all of us choose to commit crimes or perpetrate evil or hurt). Sometimes those who claim to be righteous are self-righteous; and sometimes those that are considered evil have their good side too. Thankfully it is not for us to judge in the end.
2. This is a prayer of the innocent (not sinless) victim. Like a young girl being abused, or a family being persecuted, or a young boy being bullied, or a citizen being denied justice. In our first world experience, we have relative justice and order. But in bible times, and throughout history, and even in many parts of the world today, neither the law nor justice nor human rights could be counted on. In that context, David is talking about the wicked, those who mistreat others because they can.
3. Waiting expectantly. I like this line, seeing David with his prayer list at the beginning of the day, and going into the day waiting and anticipating how God will answer. Each day David is going about his business, watching to see what God is going to do. He does not deny or ignore sin or wickedness, but neither does he dwell on it. He keeps his heart and mind focused on God and what God will do. Everything is pushing him to doubt, but he is determined to keep on hoping in the Lord.
What do you notice in this passage?

1. God is reminding me of the vision He has given to me, and He is encouraging me to stay focused on Him, not on people or circumstances or situations that cause me to doubt. Pray and trust, pray and wait, pray and hope.
2. My enemies are spiritual, in my heart and mind, not actual people. No one is lying in wait to ambush me. But my spiritual enemy is, and he is good at what he does, and I often succumb to his subtle lies and doubts and distractions. This is warfare, I cannot take this lightly, the enemy does not want me to trust and obey and follow Him.
3. I am struggling with the idea that God hates all who do wrong, and detests the bloodthirsty and deceitful. I get it, but I don’t know how it fits with God’s mercy. Is he talking about all sinners in general, or more specifically to those who give free reign to their sinful nature – who are cruel, bloodthirsty, vicious, malicious. I can see how God hates these kinds of people. As I reflect on this, I once again sense God reminding me how serious and bad sin is, and why it took crucifixion and hell to deal with it.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?

Lord, I know You hate sin, and yet You love the sinner. Please be patient with me, as it takes me so long to learn to trust and obey You. Help me to be patient with You, when You take so long in responding to my prayers. Help me to wait expectantly.

One Comment

  1. Observations:
    Prayer was a basic ingredient for David – fervent prayer.
    Start the day laying his concerns before the Lord and waited expectantly.
    Only those who who love the Lord can come into His presence and worship.
    David prays that the Lord leads him and makes his way straight.
    The Lord is His Refuge and they praise Him in song.
    God is their Protector.
    God is their Shield.
    God blesses His people.

    Every day is the Lord’s day and I must need to start the day with Him by my devotional activity – SOAP – a quiet time with the Lord to bless me, to lead me, to guide me as I work this day in His ‘garden.’
    I must need to pry not just for myself and my relationship to the Father, but also for the family of God – for all who take refuge in Him. My time spent with the father also must be time spent in prayer for others, both family of God and the world – that their hearts may also be turned toward home.
    May His favour fall upon us all as we live for Jesus.

    My God is an awesome God. He continues to lead and guide His people in the Way they should go. As I prepare to go and worship with Your people Lord, surround them with Your favour for You are our shield and Refuge and Protector as we continue to work for You wherever You send us – You lead us. Lead me and guide me also this day.

    Come into His presence, singing,
    ‘Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia’.
    Come into His presence, singing,
    ‘Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia’.

    Come into His presence, singing,
    ‘Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord.’
    Come into His presence, singing,
    ‘Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord.’

    Come into His presence, singing,
    ‘Glory to God, Glory to God, Glory to God.’
    Come into His presence, singing,
    ‘Glory to God, Glory to God, Glory to God.’

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