a reconciling heart

October 25, 2012
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 5:21-26

1. Jesus is describing life in God’s kingdom (the world as God meant it to be), and showing us that hatred and name-calling are as unacceptable as murder in God’s world. Our response to this is an eagerness for reconciliation over revenge. Jesus is not explaining what we must do to be saved, but describing the life we were created and saved for. We aim for it not to merit God’s forgiveness, but because it is good, right, pleasing and beneficial. We aim for it not because we can reach it, but because we know this is where God is leading us, and it’s where we want to be.

2. Reconciliation is more important than acts of worship (gifts at the altar). In God’s world, restored relationships is more please than religious ceremony. This is what Jesus demonstrates by stepping into our world, doing what was necessary, to fix a broken relationship (even though He was not to blame). Obeying this does not save us, disobeying this does not damn us. We are saved, forgiven, accepted, loved… and as a result we want to do this as best we can, with His help, knowing that even when we fail He is still pleased with our flawed attempts.
3. Until recently this has just been an idea; recently it became a reality for someone in my family. And now I get it. In this case it was wiser and better to settle matters quickly rather than demand rights. Did they get taken advantage of, for sure. Was the other person unfair, for sure. But in the end this family member stood tall with integrity and grace, and like Jesus they won even though they lost. It will not always feel good, but following the way of Jesus is always better in the end.
What do you notice in this passage?

1. I sense God challenging me and my heart in regards to reconciliation, and leaving revenge to Him. He is bringing to mind some people that I am bothered by, and telling me to change my heart. Each person stands before God, God will deal with each person fairly (including me). If I am being shown mercy, why shouldn’t others?
2. If I am honest, I know that I do not love like this, I am not quick to show mercy to someone who doesn’t deserve it. I do not hear Jesus condemning me, but I do hear Him gently challenging me about what life in God’s world is like, and whether I want that life. Will I lean towards an unloving, unforgiving attitude, will I prefer to hold a grudge rather than to restore a relationship?
3. God is being specific with me. He is bringing to mind some relationships that have soured, and some hard feelings that I need to deal with. I’ve not murdered them, nor have I called them fools (almost). But will I put reconciliation first, like He did, and be willing to make sacrifices and pay a price to heal them.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?

God, I do not love as I ought to, I’m not even sure I really want to love like this. But I want to want to love, and I want to want to forgive. Thank You for forgiving me already. Help me to aim for Your kind of love and forgiveness.


  1. I haven’t murdered anyone, but I have had thoughts of hate, or disdain towards others. One of the observations I get from reading these few verses is that we should do what we can to live peaceably with others. Even if others accuse us wrongly or goad us into arguements, it is the time to make peace, to turn the other cheek. Competative people like me find it hard to give in when you feel you are totally right, but as Jesus says, you may be taken before a judge, and you could have to pay, even if you are right.

    Even calling someone “you fool” is worthy of judgement. I am pretty guilty, as I often judge others as fools. (No one is really as smart as me, so everyone around is a fool) This kind of thinking is not helpful, and I need to learn to accept others for who they are, and to live peacefully with others, even those that are hard to get along with.

    I pray that God will allow me to see the good in others, and to be slow to judge others. I pray that I can be a blessing and a light to those around me.

  2. Observations:
    The sixth command which is a command all people break and yet many say they have not. Yet anyone who does not have love for his brother has broken this command.
    Anyone who downgrades his brother has broken this command.
    Anyone angry at his brother has broken this command.
    Anyone who does not love his brother has broken this command.

    How often have we not said or thought the words ‘I hate you’ or ‘I am lad your not part of my family’? All too often we have killed the person we meet and greet in our mind and have thought unkind, unpleasant or hateful thoughts of them. We have killed them.
    The text that comes to my mind is that as far as it depends upon me, live at peace with all mankind. Do good to ALL is God’s requirement. Love your enemy. Be reconciled.
    The magical word is love, love, love. And that is the summary of the law. Love God. Love man. It is that simple 🙂

    Help me this day Lord once again to put You first in all I do and say so that others can see Your love shining through me. May they see that the J.O.Y. of the Lord God is my strength and song as I live this day in His presence.

    The joy of the Lord is my strength,
    the joy of the Lord is my strength,
    The joy of the Lord is my strength,
    the joy of the Lord is my strength.

    He heals the broken hearted and they cry no more,
    He heals the broken hearted and they cry no more.
    He heals the broken hearted and they cry no more,
    the joy of the Lord is my strength.

    He gives me living water and I thirst no more,
    He gives me living water and I thirst no more.
    He gives me living water and I thirst no more,
    the joy of the Lord is my strength.

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