taste and see… through me?

October 23, 2012
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 5:13-16

1. Salt can be used both for seasoning and as a preservative. What did Jesus mean? His followers add flavour to the world, or His followers help preserve the world from decay and going bad. This is true when they live by the Spirit according to the pattern and teaching of Jesus. It is not just those who call themselves His followers, but those who strive with His help to live like Him. They add flavour, they prevent decay.

2. Elsewhere Jesus says that He is the light of the world (John 8:12), and that His followers have the light of life through Him. He is the sun (He generates the light), we are the moon (we reflect the light). This is important, otherwise we become the good ones, instead of Jesus. It is not me, but Jesus in me, that makes it possible to shine. And when there is darkness in my life, it is not Jesus fault. The moon always shines when it faces the sun.
3. Why do we live good lives if we are accepted by grace? Because that is what salt does, it flavours and preserves,otherwise it is useless. And light shines, it cannot be hidden, and why would it be. If we don’t flavour, then we are not salt; if we don’t shine, then we are not light; if we don’t live good lives (imperfectly but sincerely), then we do not really know Him. It is grace that makes living good lives possible and necessary; if we don’t we expose our flawed connection to the Grace-giver.
What do you notice in this passage?

1. I hear the message loud and clear that people are watching, people taste and see the goodness of the Lord through me. What are they tasting, what do they see? God knows we will be imperfect, and grace is God’s assurance that we are still forgiven and accepted. But through our humility and sincerity, people will sense that God is worth loving and serving, and give Him the glory!
2. I also sense the Lord reminding me that, like the moon, I can only reflect Him when I am facing Him. It is through an ongoing, personal and real relationship with God that I can reflect the light of life. As I walk with Him and talk with Him along life’s narrow way, His Spirit generates light. I am a better person when I am conscious of, dependent on, and relating to Him. My darker side shows when I stray, or when something gets in the way (like an eclipse).
3. Sad to say, so many people have a bad taste in their mouths because of Christians. How many people who have given up on God and Jesus have done so because of bad experiences with other Christians? We need to be honest about our failures, quick to admit our sin, and the first to say sorry. The church is not perfect light, but an imperfect reflection of the perfect light. When people criticize the church or other Christians, do not deny it. Admit it, lament it, then point to Jesus. In His light we see light.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?

God, Your brightness is unapproachable. I do not reflect You as I ought, but I want to reflect You better. Forgive me when people think bad of You because of me. Help me to be closer to You, that I may reflect You better.


  1. Interesting. When I have read this verse before, I have never thought of the salt as flavour — only preservative. In my home growing up we cooked with NO SALT and of course I never missed it because I didn’t know any different. When I got married, and learned a new way of cooking, I came to appreciate the way salt could really bring out the flavour of food. Hard to go back once you have tasted the difference. I pray that I can “flavour” my relationships in a way that others will know the goodness of God and not want to go back to not knowing!

    My first thought about light was that light can vary greatly in intensity. High beams are helpful on a dark empty highway, but EXTREMELY offensive when driving toward someone. I pray that I can reflect the light of Jesus in a way that is neither so dim that it remains unseen, or so bright that it is offensive.

  2. This brings to mind the old folklore tale ” I love you as much as meat loves salt” The king/father was angry at these words because he did not understand. But as most folklore tales,the father finally understands the value of salt and the story has a happy ending (Except the King Lear version where he has this daughter killed).

    So I am to be the salt of the earth? Does this mean that I am to add flavour, and make this world a better more exciting place in the name of Jesus and the Kindom? Or does it mean that I am to hold the status quo, and prevent decay, as salt is prone to do? I am sure it is some of each. Just as we realize that salt has more than one dimension, so can we as a Jesus follower. Taking this one step further, I suppose that having too much salt is also not a good thing, with Hypertension as a potential result, or just a wasted meal. So I guess this means to me to live a Christian life that is not offensive to others. For me the problem is more that I am not salty enough, and I need to ask God to allow me to be salt in my relationships, at work, and wherever I go. I need to see relationships and situations where I can improve the flavour of life.

    The old song, “This little light of mine” is a simple song, yet summarizes the next few verses very well. Am I willing to let others see me as a light that shines for Jesus? Do I try to hide it? Even being like the moon, reflecting Jesus, is better than not having any light, like a cloudy dark night.

    I pray that I can be salt and light to the world, to those I come in contact with, to my family, and to myself.

  3. Observations:
    I am the salt.
    Salt preserves and also gives flavour.
    Can’t imagine food without salt 🙂
    The purpose of light is to give light. LightShine!
    I need to let my light shine so others can see my Father by what I say and do.

    My presence, my influence needs to be in the face of people everywhere Since God is my Father, His pre-eminence must permeate in all I do and say. LightShine the love of God everywhere. ‘ ‘All I touch’ needs to have Christ upon it.

    And through me His Light needs to shine. I am a living epistle read by all. I am a LightForce. I am a living testament by my word and deeds so ll may see Christ alive in me and in that way be an instrument of His peace.

    Help me to be a SonBeam this day Lord.

    Jesus wants me for a sunbeam,
    To shine for Him each day;
    In every way try to please Him,
    At home, at school, at play.

    A sunbeam, a sunbeam,
    Jesus wants me for a sunbeam;
    A sunbeam, a sunbeam,
    I’ll be a sunbeam for Him.

    Jesus wants me to be loving,
    And kind to all I see;
    Showing how pleasant and happy,
    His little one can be.

    I will ask Jesus to help me
    To keep my heart from sin;
    Ever reflecting His goodness,
    And always shine for Him.

    I’ll be a sunbeam for Jesus,
    I can if I but try;
    Serving Him moment by moment,
    Then live for Him on high.

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