
October 22, 2012
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 4:1-11

1. Matthew has been presenting Jesus as following the pattern of Israel (going to Egypt). Here again Jesus follows Israel, led into the wilderness, tested in the wilderness, but unlike Israel, refusing to give in to Satan’s schemes. Notice that each quote by Jesus is from Deuteronomy, Moses account of Israel’s journey through the wilderness. Jesus succeeds where Israel fails; Jesus succeeds where all humanity fails.

2. Notice Satan’s technique. He calls into question God’s words (Matthew 3:17), the same as he did to Eve (Genesis 3). God says He loves us, and Satan questions it; God says He forgives us, and Satan denies it; God promises to help us, and Swan pushes it to the extreme to prove it wrong. But the difference between Jesus and everyone else is that He refuses to accept Satan’s lies. Instead He repeats and affirms God’s words as true, and clings to them.
3. God have his authority over creation to Adam and Eve (Genesis 1). They surrendered that authority to Satan so that he could claim to give it away (Matthew 4:9). But Jesus comes as the new Adam, to take back humanity’s authority and to restore God’s kingdom. Adam is tempted in a garden, and loses humanity’s authority; Jesus is tempted in a wilderness and regains humanity’s authority.
What do you notice in this passage?

1. I sense God pointing out to me the ways I am tested (by God) and tempted (by the devil). And how I respond, often more like Adam than like Jesus. This shows me how, despite my best attempts, I cannot beat sin or the devil. I do not have the strength, I need help!!!
2. I am comforted by the fact that Jesus succeeds for me (He was baptized for me, tempted for me, crucified for me, etc. and overcame sin, Satan, death and hell. It is by grace that I am rescued. It is not my goodness that makes God accept me as His son with whom He is pleased, but Jesus’ goodness.
3. I am challenged to pay attention to the ways God tests me today. God’s testing me is not to earn my salvation, but to work out my salvation, to become the better person He saved me to be. He not only tests me (1 Corinthians 10:13) but He gives me the resources (His Spirit, His angels, a way out) to stand up under the testing. I sense the Lord challenging me to stand firm with Him, like Him, refuses the devil’s tricks and lies and clinging to the words of God.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?

God, thank You for doing for me what I could not do myself. Thank You for Jesus. Thank You for the Spirit, Who helps me to recognize and resist temptation like Jesus. Help me to stand firm today!


  1. I noticed several items of interest in these verses. First of all Jesus was on a fast, and not just an ordinary fast but a 40 day fast. We don’t talk too much about fasting. Fasting is difficult for a few days, and I cannot imagine a 40 day fast. After 40 days without food, and being alone, without the support of friends, he is tempted.

    The devil does not come to me when I feel strong and supported, but when I am week and lonely. I need to pray to God for his strength, and I need to trust in his word as the truth to overcome Satan’s lies.

    It seems as if this all did not happen in one location. The beginning and end appear to be in the desert, but Satan is tempting Jesus in the Holy City, and on a mountaintop. Satan looks for all areas of my life to get a foothold.

    I pray that I may remain focused on God’s word, to know God’s truth, and to have God’s grace when I fail.

  2. Observations:
    It was after 40 days the tempter tempted – at a weakest point – about the Father’s goodness – our daily bread. God provides. And the answer was Scripture.
    On the holy city and on the highest steeple Satan tried to test the power and protection of God but the response was It is written.
    Lastly the temptation was worldly power and all that it brings and the response was again It is written.
    And the angels attended Him.

    One thought that came to my mind at once was a child’s song – Read your Bible, pray every day. All the temptations were countered by a quick response of Scripture. And remember, the Spirit was with our Lord. No lingering but a quick response.
    At all times, in all situations God attends to His people if I but abide in His Word. I am equipped as His champion because His Spirit is also upon me for me to do His will. StandStrong. ChristStrong. SpiritLead. GodStrong.

    Take my life, and let it be
    Consecrated, Lord, to Thee;
    Take my moments and my days,
    Let them flow in ceaseless praise.
    Let them flow in ceaseless praise.

    Verse 2:
    Take my hands, and let them move
    At the impulse of Thy love;
    Take my feet, and let them be
    Swift and beautiful for Thee.
    Swift and beautiful for Thee.

    Verse 3:
    Take my voice, and let me sing
    Always, only, for my King;
    Take my lips, and let them be
    Filled with messages from Thee.
    Filled with messages from Thee.

    Verse 4:
    Take my silver and my gold:
    Not a mite would I withhold;
    Take my intellect, and use
    Ev’ry pow’r as Thou shalt choose.
    Ev’ry pow’r as Thou shalt choose.

    Verse 5:
    Take my will, and make it Thine,
    It shall be no longer mine;
    Take my heart, it is Thine own,
    It shall be Thy royal throne.
    It shall be Thy royal throne.

    Verse 6:
    Take my love, my Lord, I pour
    At Thy feet its treasure store;
    Take myself, and I will be,
    Ever, only, all for Thee.
    Ever, only, all for Thee.

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