
October 8, 2012
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 2:19-23

1. It is striking to think that the eternal Son of God, the LOGOS (Word, John 1:1) through Whom God created all things is now weak, vulnerable, dependent and at risk of being murdered. You would think that when God enters the world He created, there would be a warmer welcome. You would think that God would be safe from threat and harm.

2. More angels and dreams. I have heard how God uses dreams to reach people (do a search of ‘muslims’ and ‘dreams’ and ‘Jesus’ on YouTube, see what you get), but I can’t imagine how my dreams could communicate anything to me, they are so fuzzy and unclear. I am assuming a dream from God would be much clearer.
3. There is no specific prophecy that states Jesus would be a Nazarene. But notice that Matthew says ‘prophets’, referring not to a specific prophecy but a general theme. In Jesus day, Nazareth was considered a despised area (John 1:46), so it became a label of disdain. And the prophets do predict that the Messiah would be despised (Psalm 22:6-7, Isaiah 53:2-3). So Matthew 2:23 could be paraphrased in the following way: ‘…he went and lived in a town called Nazareth. So was fulfilled what was said through the prophets: “He will be despised and referred to contemptuously”
What do you notice in this passage?

1. God willingly becomes weak and despised so that He can rescue and restore humanity. God did this for me! Why is God so patient, so forgiving, so loving, so willing to be shamed for my sake? Amazing grace!!!
2. How far am I willing to go to help others? Am I willing to pay a price, make a sacrifice, step out of my comfort zone, be taken advantage of, put my own dreams and desires on hold, risk rejection, suffering or even death… in order to help someone? Even more, someone who may not deserve to be helped, may not appreciate it?
3. The Lord calls me to join Him in loving and helping others. Am I willing to be called a Nazarene (to be despised) for following Jesus?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?


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