God’s witness among non-christians!

October 3, 2012
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 2:1-12

1. I am curious how the star pointed to a Jewish messiah? It seems to me that God used pagan astrology, guided their thinking and interpretation of the stars, and led them to this conclusion. God works through nin-christian religions to draw people to Jesus.

2. There seems to be a sharp contrast between these outsiders so eager to seek and worship Jesus, and Herod and the Jews who did not go to Bethlehem themselves. Why is it that so often those that should seek don’t, and those that we would not expect to, do?
3. Is this story really about the Magi seeking Jesus, or God seeking the Magi. He arranges the message of the stars, He guides them through OT prophecy, and He speaks to them through the dream. Does this suggest that God still speaks and works among non-christian people and cultures and religions?
What do you notice in this passage?

1. I sense God reminding me that His grace extends way beyond my narrow boundaries and perspectives. He is at work among Hindus, Jews, Muslims, atheists, and Christians, etc., drawing them to Jesus.
2. I hear God gently challenging me to compare my devotion to that of believers of other religions or beliefs. Am I as eager to honour Him with my heart, my gifts, my worship?
3. As I consider the millions of people that have never heard about Jesus, I sense God assuring me that He has not left Himself without a witness to them. Read ”Eternity In Their Hearts” by Don Richardson, a fascinating account of how God revealed Himself among people who never heard of Jesus.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?

Lord, You love all people, You sent Jesus into the world for the whole world. Thank You for reminding me that You are already at work in the lives of those around me, revealing Yourself to them. My witness always follows and builds on Yours!


  1. It is interesting to see that a star is followed to the place where Jesus was. I cannot fathom how this was accomplished. It is almost like following a GPS today. Of course they had to stop at a gas station in Jeruselem to ask for directions. (Maybe there was a woman with them, a man would never ask).
    The Magi, as well as the chief priests and teachers of the law (the Sanhedrin)seemed to know and understand that this was not just a king. Does one worship a king? Does one worship a foreign king? It is interesting how God provided a way for the Magi to worship Jesus, as well as leading them to and from Bethleham.
    I need to worship this King of Kings. What am I doing to seek him?
    I pray that God will provide in me the desire and success in seeking to worship and serve Almighty God. I pray that He will watch over me, lest I stray, and help me find that narrow way.

  2. Observations:
    Wise men from afar came to search for Jesus and those near by were disturbed by the news.
    The religious leaders paid no attention to the possibility of the wise men’s words.
    Herod wanted to visit the child because . . . ?
    The encouragement of the reappearing star.
    A house for the king and not a castle?
    The gifts were also an answer for Mary and Joseph.
    God still speaking by wonders in the creation – a star and dreams.

    Am I a wise man? As the wise men sought Him, I too need to be a wise man and diligently seek the Lord by my time spent with Him – reading His Word, meditate on it, talk with Him.
    Open my eyes Lord that I see Your presence in the creation as the wise men did for You also speak today with Your creative acts. Where will I see You today? Do I make the effort. Am I a SonSeeker?
    God supplies my needs for the day. As the wise men gave gifts that were symbolic of future events, they also fulfilled the family’s present needs. God provides. He certainly gives me my daily bread and more,
    The joy of the Lord is my strength. When I see His handwork I must be filled with joy.

    Open my eyes Lord that I may see You this day that You have created to serve You wholeheartedly.

    In the stars His handiwork I see,
    On the wind He speaks with majesty,
    Though He ruleth over land and sea,
    What is that to me?
    I will celebrate Nativity,
    For it has a place in history,
    Sure, He came to set His people free,
    What is that to me?

    Till by faith I met Him face to face,
    and I felt the wonder of His grace,
    Then I knew that He was more than just a
    God who didn’t care,
    That lived a way out there and

    Now He walks beside me day by day,
    Ever watching o’er me lest I stray,
    Helping me to find that narrow way,
    He’s Everything to me.

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