SCRIPTURE: Genesis 37:1-11
Here we see God at work in the ordinary circumstances of a spoiled son, hated by his brothers, and quite up on himself. God uses these common circumstances to get Joseph to Egypt, so that one day he can help his family, and save the promised people of Israel. The hero in this story is God, and Joseph learns humility and faith in the process.
What is God up to in my life? How are my life circumstances a part of the Lord’s greater plan to rescue, preserve or use His followers? The real question in all of this is not ‘what kind of hero will I be’ (its not about me, or Joseph) but how long will it take for me to learn humility and faith. Like Joseph, it often involves a long and painful process.
Lord, gently humble my heart, and make me receptive to Your purpose. I choose to trust that You have a purpose for my life. Help me to walk in it. Amen.
Jacob was a father who cared for his children. Joseph told his father of his brothers’ bad behaviour so that Jacob could discipline them This was not to sow discord or jeaslousy, but to keep his brothers faithful to God. What sowed brokeness was Jacob’s special treatment of Joseph. When a son is preferred over another, that sows discord, brokeness and quarrels.
Joseph was a dreamer like many youth today – dreaming of all the possibilites 0 the good times. Joseph did work out in the field for his father, but the dreams he had were all of wealth and honour and glory. But knowing the rest of the story, His God was there at all times to support, comfort and direct Joseph’s life for His purpose.
How am I walking today in His Way in the palm of His hand?
O Master, let me walk with Thee,
In lowly paths of service free;
Tell me Thy secret; help me bear
The strain of toil, the fret of care.