an example worth following

SCRIPTURE: Judges 11
“My father,” she replied, “you have given your word to the LORD. Do to me just as you promised, now that the LORD has avenged you of your enemies, the Ammonites. [Judges 11:36]
I do find the response of Jepthath’s daughter – as sad as it is – somewhat inspiring.
Her willingness to surrender to her father’s folly is amazing.
Her humble spirit reminds me of Mary’s response when God asks her to bear the messiah. “I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May it be to me as you have said.” [Luke 1:38]

Ever since we messed up this world, God has been raising up delivers to guide us back to Him, out of this mess.
To some extent, every deliver is a pattern of Jesus, the ultimate deliverer.
But we need to remember that Jesus was a perfect deliverer, while all of the others were sinners, imperfect.
Jepthath is a flawed leader, his vow was rash and foolish.
God has never delighted in human sacrifice, and would not be pleased with this.

Some people might charge that God did the same thing, sacrificing His son on the cross.
But the difference is huge.
Jephthah’s sacrifice served no purpose, God did not require him to sacrifice anything for His help.
It was an unnecessary act.
But the sacrifice of Jesus was like the sacrifice of a soldier in battle, part of the cost of defeating an enemy.
Jesus’ death was necessary.

What lessons do I derive from this reading?
First, the reminder that Jesus is the only perfect deliverer, the only model that we should have as our highest model and pattern for living.
I am a Jesus-follower.
I may sometimes glean some insight into right living from others, but we need to remember that they are flawed examples.
Jephthah is a poor reflection of Jesus, Jesus is the perfect reflection of God – follow Him!

Second, I do see the humble spirit of both Jephthah’s daughter and Mary, as a weak reflection of the humble spirit of Jesus: Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done. [Luke 22:42]
God may ask difficult things of us, but He will never do so for rash, unnecessary reasons.
He is not like Jephthah in this: His promises are always right, always good, always necessary.

Lord, grant me a humble, willing spirit, like Jesus, and Mary and Jephthah’s daughter. Do to me just as you promised, may it be to me as you have said, not my will, but yours be done!

One Comment

  1. Jephthah made a rash vow. Jephthah was well acquainted with Israel’s history and the Spirit of the Lord was upon him. He was doing the Lord’s work.

    And yet it seems that he doubted. Our vows can not purchase favours from our God. A bargaining tool? God is God and His will will come to pass. We can live a life of praise and gratitude for all He does for us. The victory belongs to the Lord.

    God was on His side and the rash vow was also against the Word of the Lord – to offer children to Him as an offering. Yet his daughter did obediently submit to her father as all of God’s children need to submit to our Father’s will each day.

    And so as I start this day, I will walk in His presence for His Spirit is also upon me as I continue to serve Him. Today the new parents have breakfast at school and in the devotional it talks about living stones as found in 1 Peter 2:5. We all are living for Jesus, building His Kingdom, His Church, His community, walking in His SonShine, serving Him always.

    Lead me lord, lead me lord!
    By the light of truth
    To seek and to find the narrow way…
    Be my way, be my truth, be my light O lord!
    And lead me Lord today…

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