
When Gideon heard the dream and its interpretation, he worshiped God. He returned to the camp of Israel and called out, ‘Get up! The LORD has given the Midianite camp into your hands.’ [Judges 7:15]
When God supports a cause, nothing can defeat it.
Even with an army of 300, Israel could defeat a huge force, with God’s help.
The lesson here is plain – success belongs to those who join with God in His mission.
His mission always succeeds.
I like how God works behind the scenes, even in the enemy’s camp, causing them to have dreams so that they will be demoralized and Israel encouraged.
I am especially focusing on the dream here.

And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route. [Matthew 2:12]
There are a number of dreams also recorded surrounding Jesus’ birth.
This quote refers to the wise men being warned not to report to Herod, so that Jesus could escape.
God uses dreams to influence people, to accomplish His purpose!

I once heard a missionary to Nigeria report about the number of Muslims who chose to follow Jesus because He appeared to them in a dream.
Muslims recognize Jesus as a prophet, but apparently in their dreams He is calling them to repent and believe in Him.

When we join with the Lord in showing and sharing His message and His love, we need to remember that He is at work behind the scenes, working in the hearts of those we speak to.
We do not need to START a spiritual conversation with them, we need to JOIN in the conversation they are already a part of, with the Lord, unknown to us.
In my experience, a few well-placed questions will reveal a whole undercurrent of spiritual searching and unsettledness.
No need to come at them with a canned evangelism approach, just engage them with their questions and struggles and desires.
Listen to their heart, and share your heart.
And the Lord will use our words and actions for His purpose.

I hear in this passage a call to ‘get up’ and start listening and sharing, for the Lord has given the hearts of the people we speak to into our hands.

Lord, again and again I forget this, and figure that I need to make a spiritual impact by what I say or do. Help me to listen, and respond, in love.

One Comment

  1. All too often we rely upon our own strength. Like the passage tells us, no one can ay that their own strength saved them.

    And those who fought – the three hundred – they did not complain that the others were free to go. They were God’s instruments and used the provisions He gave them willingly. And He reinforced their confidence when Gideon and his servant heard the dream. Gideon’s response? He worshipped.

    We can worship anywhere, anytime, anyplace. God is in control.

    When the battle begins, the enemy was confused and they fought among themselves. All too often the people of God do the same. They devour and destroy one another. Always, always, it must be for the Lord – just as the soldiers who were not part of the battle but in a sense helped equip the others for the battle. Encouragers we need to be. And as the battle continued, others were asked to join. Once the enemy was on the run, others were invited to pursue them. The battle belongs to the Lord.

    Today I need to go forward in that power. He has given the victory. Today, God Is First as He is everyday and He is in control. I must go forward in that power for He has gone this way before me.

    In heavenly armour we’ll enter the land
    The battle belongs to the Lord
    No weapon that’s fashioned against us shall stand
    The battle belongs to the Lord

    We sing glory and honor Power
    and strength to the Lord (repeat)

    The power of darkness comes in like a flood
    The battle belongs to the Lord
    He’s raised up a standard, the power of His blood
    The battle belongs to the Lord

    When your enemy presses in hard do not fear
    The battle belongs to the Lord
    Take courage my friend, your redemption is near
    The battle belongs to the Lord

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